Comprehension for Class 1 With Questions and Answers

Hello friends, today we are here to share a massive collection of comprehension for class 1, you will get all the questions and answers with a summary and discussion at the end. As 1st-grade students, we all know that reading comprehension is the key part of learning English. So let us directly dive into the article where you will get the best reading comprehension for class 1 with questions and answers with pdf for free download.

Comprehension for Class 1 With Questions and Answers
Comprehension for Class 1 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension for Class 1 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension Passage: The Colorful Butterfly

Once upon a time, in a beautiful garden, there lived a caterpillar named Charlie. Charlie was a plain, green caterpillar who admired the colorful butterflies that fluttered around the flowers. One day, Charlie wished to become as beautiful as the butterflies.

Determined to change, Charlie decided to build a cozy cocoon. Inside the cocoon, something magical happened. Charlie underwent a transformation and emerged as a stunning, colorful butterfly with wings of blue, red, and yellow.

Excited about the change, Charlie flew around the garden, delighting in the newfound beauty. However, Charlie noticed other caterpillars still crawling on the ground. Feeling a sense of responsibility, Charlie decided to help them transform into butterflies too.

Charlie guided the caterpillars in building their own cocoons. The garden soon filled with vibrant butterflies, creating a magical dance of colors in the air. Charlie was happy to share the joy of transformation with others.


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What did Charlie admire in the garden?
  3. What did Charlie wish for one day?
  4. What did Charlie decide to do to change?
  5. What happened inside the cocoon?
  6. How did Charlie feel after the transformation?
  7. What did Charlie notice after becoming a colorful butterfly?
  8. What did Charlie decide to do for the other caterpillars?
  9. What filled the garden after Charlie helped the other caterpillars?
  10. Why was Charlie happy in the end?


  1. The main character in the story is Charlie.
  2. Charlie admired the colorful butterflies that fluttered around the flowers in the garden.
  3. One day, Charlie wished to become as beautiful as the butterflies.
  4. Charlie decided to build a cozy cocoon to change.
  5. Inside the cocoon, Charlie underwent a transformation and emerged as a colorful butterfly with wings of blue, red, and yellow.
  6. After the transformation, Charlie felt excited about the change.
  7. Charlie noticed other caterpillars still crawling on the ground after becoming a colorful butterfly.
  8. Charlie decided to help the other caterpillars transform into butterflies too.
  9. The garden filled with vibrant butterflies after Charlie helped the other caterpillars.
  10. Charlie was happy in the end because they could share the joy of transformation with others.


  • Transformation and Change:
    Have you ever wanted to change or become something different? What was it, and why did you feel that way?
  • Admiration and Inspiration:
    Like Charlie admired the colorful butterflies, is there something or someone you admire? What inspires you about them?
  • Helping Others:
    How do you feel when you help someone else? Can you think of a time when you helped a friend or family member?
  • Responsibility and Sharing Joy:
    Why do you think Charlie felt a sense of responsibility to help the other caterpillars transform? How does sharing joy with others make you feel?
  • Teamwork and Unity:
    In the story, Charlie guided other caterpillars in building their cocoons. How does working together as a team help everyone achieve their goals?
  • Appreciating Differences:
    The garden became more beautiful with different colorful butterflies. How can we learn to appreciate and celebrate the differences in ourselves and others?
  • Personal Growth:
    How did Charlie grow and change throughout the story? Can you think of a time when you experienced personal growth or learned something new?
  • Expressing Happiness:
    In the end, Charlie was happy. What makes you happy, and how do you express your happiness?

Reading Comprehension for Class 1

Comprehension Passage: The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time, there was a little red hen who lived on a farm. One day, she found some grains of wheat in the barn. The little red hen had an idea. She wanted to plant the wheat and grow some wheat plants.

The little red hen went to her friends, the duck, the cat, and the pig, and asked, “Who will help me plant the wheat?”

  • The duck said, “Not I.”
  • The cat said, “Not I.”
  • The pig said, “Not I.”

So, the little red hen decided to do it herself. She planted the wheat seeds in the soil, watered them every day, and took good care of them.

When the wheat plants grew tall and strong, the little red hen went to her friends again and asked, “Who will help me harvest the wheat?”

  • The duck said, “Not I.”
  • The cat said, “Not I.”
  • The pig said, “Not I.”

So, once again, the little red hen decided to do it herself. She harvested the wheat and then asked her friends, “Who will help me make the bread?”

  • The duck said, “Not I.”
  • The cat said, “Not I.”
  • The pig said, “Not I.”

The little red hen was determined, so she made the bread all by herself. Finally, when the delicious aroma of fresh bread filled the air, her friends came running and said, “We will help you eat the bread!”

But the little red hen replied, “No, I will eat the bread all by myself because I did all the work.”


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What did the little red hen find in the barn?
  3. What did the little red hen want to do with the wheat?
  4. Who did the little red hen ask for help in planting the wheat?
  5. Did the duck, the cat, and the pig want to help the little red hen?
  6. Who ended up doing all the work in planting the wheat?
  7. What did the little red hen ask for help within the next stage of growing wheat?
  8. Who helped the little red hen in harvesting the wheat?
  9. Who made the bread in the story?
  10. Did the little red hen share the bread with her friends?


  1. The main character in the story is the little red hen.
  2. The little red hen found some grains of wheat in the barn.
  3. The little red hen wanted to plant the wheat and grow wheat plants.
  4. The little red hen asked the duck, the cat, and the pig for help in planting the wheat.
  5. No, the duck, the cat, and the pig did not want to help the little red hen.
  6. The little red hen ended up doing all the work in planting the wheat by herself.
  7. The little red hen asked for help in harvesting the wheat in the next stage of growing wheat.
  8. None of the friends (duck, cat, or pig) helped the little red hen in harvesting the wheat.
  9. The little red hen made the bread in the story.
  10. No, the little red hen did not share the bread with her friends because she did all the work.


  • What do you think the little red hen’s friends should have done to help her?
  • Why do you think the little red hen didn’t want to share the bread with her friends?
  • What lesson do you think the story is trying to teach us about teamwork and responsibility?
  • Can you think of a time when you had to work hard to achieve something, just like the little red hen?

Reading Comprehension Passages for Class 1

Comprehension Passage: The Lost Kitten

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. One day, while Sarah was playing in her backyard, she heard a tiny meow. She looked around and found a cute, little kitten hiding behind some bushes.

Sarah felt sad for the lost kitten and decided to take care of it. She gave the kitten some milk and a cozy blanket. Sarah asked her mom if they could keep the kitten, and her mom agreed.

Sarah named the kitten Whiskers because of its long, white whiskers. Whiskers quickly became a part of Sarah’s family. They played together, and Whiskers would always curl up next to Sarah when she went to bed.

One day, while playing in the garden, Sarah noticed a poster about a missing kitten. It had a picture of Whiskers. Sarah was surprised and realized that Whiskers must belong to someone else. She felt a little sad but knew that it was the right thing to do.

Sarah decided to call the number on the poster. A kind lady answered and said she was Whiskers’ owner. She was very happy that someone had found her lost kitten. Sarah told her the address, and soon the owner arrived to take Whiskers home.

Even though Sarah felt a bit sad, she knew she did the right thing by helping Whiskers find its way back home.


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What did Sarah find in her backyard while playing?
  3. How did Sarah feel when she found the lost kitten?
  4. What did Sarah give the kitten to eat?
  5. Why did Sarah’s mom agree to keep the kitten?
  6. What did Sarah name the kitten, and why?
  7. How did Whiskers become a part of Sarah’s family?
  8. What did Sarah notice while playing in the garden?
  9. How did Sarah feel when she saw the poster about a missing kitten?
  10. What did Sarah do when she realized Whiskers belonged to someone else?


  1. The main character in the story is Sarah.
  2. Sarah found a cute, little kitten in her backyard while playing.
  3. Sarah felt sad for the lost kitten when she found it.
  4. Sarah gave the kitten some milk to eat.
  5. Sarah’s mom agreed to keep the kitten because Sarah asked and wanted to take care of it.
  6. Sarah named the kitten Whiskers because of its long, white whiskers.
  7. Whiskers became a part of Sarah’s family by playing with her and sleeping next to her.
  8. While playing in the garden, Sarah noticed a poster about a missing kitten.
  9. Sarah felt a bit sad when she saw the poster about a missing kitten.
  10. When Sarah realized Whiskers belonged to someone else, she decided to call the number on the poster and return the kitten to its owner.


  • Have you ever lost something or found something that belonged to someone else? How did you feel, and what did you do?
  • Why is it important to be kind and helpful to animals?
  • What lessons can we learn from Sarah’s actions in the story?

Reading Comprehension for Grade 1

Comprehension Passage: The Magic Seed

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim. One sunny day, Tim found a mysterious seed in his backyard. It sparkled with a magical glow. Excited, Tim decided to plant the seed and see what would happen.

Tim watered the seed every day, and soon, a tiny green shoot emerged from the soil. As days passed, the shoot grew into a beautiful, enchanted flower. The petals shimmered in various colors, and it had a sweet, magical fragrance.

One day, as Tim touched the flower, something amazing happened. The flower released a shower of sparkling dust, and suddenly, Tim could understand the language of birds. He was overjoyed and spent hours chatting with his feathery friends.

Tim learned that the magic seed brought different gifts to different people. Some could talk to animals, some could fly, and others gained the ability to make things grow instantly.

Word spread about Tim’s magical flower, and soon, the whole neighborhood gathered to see its wonders. The community realized that the magic seed had not only brought joy but also taught them the importance of sharing and appreciating the unique gifts each person possessed.


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What did Tim find in his backyard?
  3. How did the seed look?
  4. What did Tim decide to do with the mysterious seed?
  5. What happened as Tim touched the enchanted flower?
  6. What ability did Tim gain from the magic seed?
  7. What did Tim learn from his feathery friends?
  8. How did the community react to Tim’s magical flower?
  9. What did the magic seed teach the community?
  10. Why do you think sharing and appreciating each other’s unique gifts are important?


  1. The main character in the story is Tim.
  2. Tim found a mysterious seed in his backyard.
  3. The seed sparkled with a magical glow.
  4. Tim decided to plant the seed.
  5. As Tim touched the enchanted flower, it released a shower of sparkling dust, and he could understand the language of birds.
  6. Tim gained the ability to understand the language of birds from the magic seed.
  7. Tim learned from his feathery friends that the magic seed brought different gifts to different people.
  8. The community gathered to see the wonders of Tim’s magical flower.
  9. The magic seed taught the community the importance of sharing and appreciating the unique gifts each person possessed.
  10. Sharing and appreciating each other’s unique gifts are important because it brings joy and teaches the value of diversity in abilities and talents.


  • Magic Seeds and Surprises:
    Have you ever found something unexpected or surprising, just like Tim found the magic seed? How did it make you feel?
  • Gifts and Talents:
    The story mentions that the magic seed brought different gifts to different people. What special talent or ability would you like to have if you found a magic seed?
  • Understanding Others:
    Tim gained the ability to understand the language of birds. If you could understand the language of any animal, which one would you choose and why?
  • Community and Sharing:
    How did the community react to Tim’s magical flower? Why do you think sharing the magic seed’s gifts with others is important?
  • Appreciating Differences:
    The magic seed taught the community the importance of sharing and appreciating each other’s unique gifts. Can you think of a time when you appreciated someone else’s special talent or ability?
  • Importance of Diversity:
    Why do you think it’s essential for a community to have people with different talents and abilities? How does it make a community stronger?
  • Growing Together:
    In the story, the magic seed not only brought joy but also taught important lessons. Can you think of other things or experiences that bring happiness and valuable lessons at the same time?
  • Creating Your Own Magic:
    If you could plant a magic seed and make something magical happen, what would you choose to do, and why?

Comprehension for Class 1 with Questions and Answers Pdf Free Download

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In conclusion, comprehension for Class 1 is a crucial aspect of early education, laying the foundation for a child’s reading and understanding skills. The inclusion of carefully crafted questions and answers not only helps assess a student’s grasp of the material but also promotes critical thinking and language development. It is essential to create engaging and age-appropriate content that encourages curiosity and active participation, fostering a lifelong love for learning from the very beginning of a child’s educational journey.

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