Comprehension for Class 12 With Questions and Answers

Hello friends, today we are here to share a massive collection of comprehension for class 12, you will get all the questions and answers with a summary and discussion at the end. As 12th-grade students, we all know that reading comprehension is the key part of learning English. So let us directly dive into the article where you will get the best reading comprehension for class 12 with questions and answers with pdf for free download.

Comprehension for Class 12 With Questions and Answers
Comprehension for Class 12 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension for Class 12 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension Passage: The Setting of The Passage

In the heart of the bustling city, there stood an ancient library with towering shelves that seemed to touch the heavens. The air inside was heavy with the scent of old books, and the creaking wooden floors echoed the footsteps of curious minds. Among the dusty volumes and forgotten tales, Maria, a young literature enthusiast, found solace.

One day, as Maria browsed the shelves, a peculiar book caught her eye. Its leather cover was worn, and the title, “The Forgotten Symphony,” intrigued her. As she opened the first page, a magical world unfolded before her. The words painted vivid images, and the characters seemed to leap off the pages. Maria was enthralled, losing track of time in the enchanting tale.

As the last chapter approached, a sense of melancholy swept over Maria. The book, though captivating, was coming to an end. However, she realized that the real beauty lay in the journey, not just the destination. The forgotten symphony, with its highs and lows, had left an indelible mark on her soul.


  1. Q: What is the setting of the passage?
  2. Q: Describe the ancient library mentioned in the passage.
  3. Q: What caught Maria’s attention while browsing the shelves?
  4. Q: How is the world inside “The Forgotten Symphony” described?
  5. Q: What emotion did Maria feel as she approached the last chapter of the book?
  6. Q: What realization did Maria have about the beauty of the journey?


  1. Ans: The setting of the passage is in the heart of a bustling city, inside an ancient library.
  2. Ans: The ancient library is described as having towering shelves, a heavy scent of old books, and creaking wooden floors. It is a place where curious minds explore forgotten tales.
  3. Ans: Maria’s attention was caught by a peculiar book with a worn leather cover titled “The Forgotten Symphony.”
  4. Ans: The world inside “The Forgotten Symphony” is described as magical, with words that paint vivid images, and characters that seem to leap off the pages.
  5. Ans: Maria felt a sense of melancholy as she approached the last chapter of the book.
  6. Ans: Maria realized that the real beauty of the book lay in the journey, not just the destination, and that the highs and lows of the forgotten symphony had left an indelible mark on her soul.

Reading Comprehension for Class 12

Comprehension Passage: The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, marked a significant shift in the way goods were produced. Prior to this era, most production was done by hand, and the pace of manufacturing was slow. However, with the advent of machines and new technologies, the Industrial Revolution brought about a radical transformation.

Factories emerged as the focal points of production, replacing traditional artisan workshops. Steam engines powered machinery, allowing for faster and more efficient production. This shift not only increased the output of goods but also led to the growth of urban centers as people flocked to work in factories. The social and economic landscape changed as a result, with new classes of workers and industrialists emerging.

Despite the economic prosperity that the Industrial Revolution brought, it also led to numerous challenges. Poor working conditions, long hours, and child labor were rampant in factories. The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few industrialists widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

In the realm of ideas, the Industrial Revolution sparked debates about the impact of technology on society. Some celebrated the progress and innovation, while others criticized the exploitation of labor and the negative consequences on the environment.


  1. Q: When did the Industrial Revolution begin, and what was its significant impact?
  2. Q: How did factories change the production landscape during the Industrial Revolution?
  3. Q: What powered the machinery during the Industrial Revolution, and how did it contribute to faster production?
  4. Q: What were some social and economic changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution?
  5. Q: What challenges emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution, particularly in factories?
  6. Q: How did the Industrial Revolution affect the distribution of wealth in society?
  7. Q: What were some of the debates sparked by the Industrial Revolution, and what were the contrasting views?


  1. Ans: The Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century. Its significant impact included a radical shift in production methods, moving from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing.
  2. Ans: Factories replaced traditional artisan workshops as the focal points of production during the Industrial Revolution.
  3. Ans: Steam engines powered machinery during the Industrial Revolution, contributing to faster and more efficient production.
  4. Ans: The Industrial Revolution led to the growth of urban centers, the emergence of new classes of workers and industrialists, and significant changes in the social and economic landscape.
  5. Ans: Challenges in factories during the Industrial Revolution included poor working conditions, long hours, and the widespread use of child labor.
  6. Ans: The concentration of wealth in the hands of a few industrialists widened the gap between the rich and the poor during the Industrial Revolution.
  7. Ans: The Industrial Revolution sparked debates about the impact of technology on society. Some celebrated progress and innovation, while others criticized the exploitation of labor and the negative consequences on the environment.

Reading Comprehension Passages for Class 12

Comprehension Passage: Globalization

Globalization, in the contemporary context, refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, cultures, and societies worldwide. This phenomenon has been facilitated by advancements in technology, communication, and transportation.

In the economic realm, globalization has led to the expansion of international trade and the creation of a global market. Companies can now operate across borders, reaching consumers in distant parts of the world. This interconnectedness has also resulted in the exchange of ideas, cultures, and innovations, fostering a more interconnected global society.

However, globalization has not been without its challenges. Critics argue that it has led to economic inequality, as some nations or groups benefit more than others. Additionally, cultural homogenization, where local cultures are overshadowed by a globalized culture, has been a concern for those who advocate for cultural diversity.

In recent years, the debate on globalization has intensified, with discussions focusing on finding a balance between the benefits of interconnectedness and addressing the negative consequences, such as environmental degradation and social inequality.


  1. Q: How is globalization defined in the contemporary context?
  2. Q: What factors have facilitated the phenomenon of globalization?
  3. Q: In the economic realm, what changes has globalization brought about?
  4. Q: How has globalization impacted the operation of companies on an international scale?
  5. Q: What positive aspects of globalization are mentioned in the passage?
  6. Q: What are some challenges associated with globalization, according to critics?
  7. Q: What is cultural homogenization, and why is it a concern in the context of globalization?
  8. Q: In recent years, what has been the focus of the debate on globalization, and why has it intensified?


  1. Ans: Globalization, in the contemporary context, refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, cultures, and societies worldwide.
  2. Ans: Advancements in technology, communication, and transportation have facilitated the phenomenon of globalization.
  3. Ans: Globalization has led to the expansion of international trade and the creation of a global market in the economic realm.
  4. Ans: Companies can now operate across borders, reaching consumers in distant parts of the world due to globalization.
  5. Ans: Globalization has resulted in the exchange of ideas, cultures, and innovations, fostering a more interconnected global society.
  6. Ans: Challenges associated with globalization include economic inequality and cultural homogenization.
  7. Ans: Cultural homogenization is the overshadowing of local cultures by a globalized culture. It is a concern for those who advocate for cultural diversity.
  8. Ans: In recent years, the debate on globalization has focused on finding a balance between the benefits of interconnectedness and addressing negative consequences, such as environmental degradation and social inequality. The debate has intensified due to increased awareness of these issues.

Reading Comprehension for Grade 12

Comprehension Passage: Climate Change

Climate change, a result of human activities releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, is a pressing global issue. The Earth’s climate is experiencing unprecedented changes, leading to rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems.

One significant contributor to climate change is the burning of fossil fuels for energy. This releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, trapping heat in the atmosphere and causing the planet to warm. Deforestation is another factor, as trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide. The loss of forests contributes to higher levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

The consequences of climate change are far-reaching. Melting ice caps and rising sea levels pose threats to coastal communities, while changes in precipitation patterns affect agriculture and water resources. Biodiversity is also at risk as ecosystems struggle to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions.

Efforts to address climate change include the promotion of renewable energy sources, reforestation projects, and international agreements aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The urgency to take action is underscored by the potential long-term impacts on the environment, human health, and global stability.


  1. Q: What is the primary cause of climate change, as mentioned in the passage?
  2. Q: How do human activities contribute to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere?
  3. Q: Explain the role of fossil fuels in climate change, according to the passage.
  4. Q: Why is deforestation considered a factor in climate change, and how does it contribute to higher levels of greenhouse gases?
  5. Q: What are some consequences of climate change mentioned in the passage?
  6. Q: What threats do melting ice caps and rising sea levels pose to communities?
  7. Q: What efforts are mentioned in the passage as ways to address climate change?
  8. Q: Why is there a sense of urgency to address climate change, according to the passage?


  1. Ans: The primary cause of climate change is human activities releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  2. Ans: Human activities contribute to the release of greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels for energy and engaging in deforestation.
  3. Ans: Fossil fuels contribute to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, trapping heat in the atmosphere and causing the planet to warm.
  4. Ans: Deforestation is considered a factor in climate change because trees play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide. The loss of forests contributes to higher levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  5. Ans: Consequences of climate change include rising temperatures, extreme weather events, disruptions to ecosystems, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, changes in precipitation patterns, and threats to biodiversity.
  6. Ans: Melting ice caps and rising sea levels pose threats to coastal communities, as they can lead to flooding and the loss of habitable areas.
  7. Ans: Efforts to address climate change include promoting renewable energy sources, undertaking reforestation projects, and participating in international agreements aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  8. Ans: There is a sense of urgency to address climate change due to the potential long-term impacts on the environment, human health, and global stability.

Comprehension Passage for Class 12 With Qna

Comprehension Passage: The Industrial Revolution and its Transformative Impact

The Industrial Revolution, a pivotal era that unfolded in the 18th century, stands as a watershed moment in human history. This period ushered in a rapid transformation in manufacturing processes, giving rise to the advent of factories and mass production. Prior to this revolution, skilled artisans predominantly undertook manual manufacturing. However, the introduction of steam engines brought about a paradigm shift, marking the era with the prominence of mechanization.

An undeniable consequence of the Industrial Revolution was the urbanization of society. Cities burgeoned with the establishment of factories, drawing a wave of migration from rural areas to urban centers in pursuit of employment opportunities. This massive migration not only reshaped settlement patterns but also catalyzed the transition from traditional agrarian lifestyles to an industrialized way of life.

Beyond its economic implications, the Industrial Revolution wielded profound social and cultural effects. The division of labor within factories played a pivotal role in the formation of distinct social classes. The bourgeoisie, who owned the means of production, ascended to prominence, solidifying the class divide. Simultaneously, this period witnessed the rise of labor movements, as workers sought improved working conditions and fair wages in response to the challenges posed by industrialization.

However transformative, the Industrial Revolution presented its share of challenges. Factories became synonymous with harsh working conditions, characterized by extended work hours and meager wages. Child labor became pervasive, and the working environment often compromised the safety of laborers. In response to these issues, social reform movements gained momentum, paving the way for the establishment of labor laws and regulations.


  1. What characterizes the Industrial Revolution as a pivotal era?
  2. How did the introduction of steam engines impact manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution?
  3. What major consequence did the Industrial Revolution have on society’s settlement patterns?
  4. Describe the social classes that emerged as a result of the division of labor in factories.
  5. What challenges were associated with working conditions during the Industrial Revolution?
  6. What motivated the migration from rural areas to urban centers during this period?
  7. How did the Industrial Revolution influence the traditional agrarian lifestyle?
  8. What role did labor movements play in response to the challenges posed by industrialization?


  1. The Industrial Revolution is characterized as a pivotal era marked by a rapid transformation in manufacturing processes.
  2. The introduction of steam engines during the Industrial Revolution played a crucial role in the rise of mechanization.
  3. The major consequence of the Industrial Revolution on society’s settlement patterns was the urbanization of society.
  4. The division of labor in factories led to the emergence of distinct social classes, with the bourgeoisie ascending to prominence.
  5. Challenges during the Industrial Revolution included harsh working conditions, extended work hours, meager wages, and pervasive child labor.
  6. The migration from rural areas to urban centers during this period was motivated by the pursuit of employment opportunities created by the emergence of factories.
  7. The Industrial Revolution influenced the traditional agrarian lifestyle by catalyzing a shift towards an industrialized way of life.
  8. Labor movements rose in response to the challenges posed by industrialization, advocating for improved working conditions and fair wages.

Unique Comprehension for Class 12 With Qna

Comprehension Passage: The Impact of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, marked a significant turning point in human history. This period saw the transition from agrarian and handcraft-based economies to industrial and machine-driven ones. Innovations in machinery, such as the steam engine and spinning jenny, transformed the way goods were produced, leading to increased efficiency and output.

The impact of the Industrial Revolution extended beyond the economic sphere. It brought about profound social and cultural changes. Urbanization became a prominent feature as people migrated from rural areas to cities in search of employment in factories. The working conditions in these factories, however, were often harsh, leading to the rise of labor movements advocating for better rights and conditions.

In addition to the economic and social shifts, the Industrial Revolution also sparked technological advancements and scientific discoveries. The increased use of machinery and the development of new technologies laid the foundation for further innovations in the years to come.


1}. What marked a significant turning point in human history?
a. Renaissance
b. Industrial Revolution
c. Middle Ages
d. Age of Exploration

2}. Which innovation played a crucial role in transforming production during the Industrial Revolution?
a. Printing press
b. Steam engine
c. Telescope
d. Compass

3}. What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on migration patterns?
a. Migration from cities to rural areas
b. Migration from one country to another
c. Migration from rural areas to cities
d. No impact on migration

4}. What was a consequence of the working conditions in factories during the Industrial Revolution?
a. Decreased demand for labor
b. Improved living conditions
c. Rise of labor movements
d. Decline in urbanization

5}. Apart from economic changes, what did the Industrial Revolution bring about?
a. Political stability
b. Cultural stagnation
c. Social and cultural changes
d. Technological regression


  1. b. Industrial Revolution
  2. b. Steam engine
  3. c. Migration from rural areas to cities
  4. c. Rise of labor movements
  5. c. Social and cultural changes

Comprehension for class 12 with MCQs

Comprehension Passage: The Solar System and Its Wonders

The solar system is a fascinating and intricate cosmic arrangement that consists of the sun, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. Our sun, a massive ball of hot, glowing gas, serves as the central gravitational anchor, around which everything else revolves.

The eight planets in our solar system orbit the sun at varying distances. From the closest to the farthest, these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planet possesses unique characteristics, such as size, composition, and atmospheric conditions.

Moons, or natural satellites, are celestial bodies that orbit planets. Earth, for instance, has one moon, while Jupiter boasts an impressive count of 79 moons. These moons play a crucial role in the gravitational dynamics of their respective planets.

Asteroids, rocky fragments leftover from the early formation of the solar system, and comets, icy bodies originating from the outer regions, add further diversity to this celestial tapestry. Scientists continue to study and explore the solar system, uncovering new mysteries and expanding our understanding of the cosmos.


1}. What serves as the central gravitational anchor in our solar system?
a. Earth
b. Moon
c. Sun
d. Jupiter

2}. How many planets are there in our solar system?
a. Six
b. Nine
c. Eight
d. Ten

2}. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a. Venus
b. Mars
c. Jupiter
d. Saturn

4}. What are celestial bodies that orbit planets called?
a. Comets
b. Asteroids
c. Moons
d. Stars

5}. What is the role of asteroids in the solar system?
a. They orbit the sun.
b. They contribute to the formation of planets.
c. They are leftover fragments from the early solar system.
d. They are icy bodies from the outer regions.


  1. c. Sun
  2. c. Eight
  3. b. Mars
  4. c. Moons
  5. c. They are leftover fragments from the early solar system.

Comprehension for class 12 with Questions

Comprehension Passage: Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. AI technologies aim to simulate human cognitive functions and have applications in various fields.

Machine Learning, a subset of AI, enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. This learning process involves the analysis of data and the identification of patterns, allowing machines to make decisions or predictions based on the information they’ve acquired.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is another aspect of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. NLP enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language, making it possible for applications like virtual assistants and language translation services.

While AI has made significant advancements, ethical considerations and concerns about the impact on employment and privacy have been raised. Striking a balance between technological innovation and ethical responsibility remains a challenge as AI continues to evolve.


1}. What does AI stand for?
a. Advanced Intelligence
b. Artificial Integration
c. Actual Implementation
d. Artificial Intelligence

2}. What is Machine Learning in the context of AI?
a. A type of computer hardware
b. A subset focused on human emotions
c. A subset enabling systems to learn from experience
d. A programming language for AI

3}. What does NLP stand for in the context of AI?
a. Natural Learning Process
b. New Language Protocol
c. Natural Language Processing
d. Neural Learning Program

4}. What is the primary goal of AI technologies?
a. To replace human intelligence
b. To simulate human cognitive functions
c. To eliminate the need for computers
d. To restrict technological advancements

5}. What ethical concerns are associated with AI?
a. Impact on employment and privacy
b. Overreliance on human intelligence
c. Lack of technological innovation
d. Minimal impact on society


  1. d. Artificial Intelligence
  2. c. A subset enabling systems to learn from experience
  3. c. Natural Language Processing
  4. b. To simulate human cognitive functions
  5. a. Impact on employment and privacy

Comprehension for class 12 with Answers

Comprehension Passage: Artificial Intelligence: Transforming the Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing field that involves the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and language understanding. The goal of AI is to create machines that can emulate and augment human capabilities, leading to improved efficiency and problem-solving across various domains.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, enables systems to learn and improve from experience without explicit programming. Deep learning, a specialized form of machine learning, involves neural networks that mimic the human brain’s structure and functionality. These technologies power applications such as voice recognition, image processing, and natural language understanding, making AI an integral part of our daily lives.

AI has made significant strides in healthcare, assisting in diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. In the business sector, it enhances decision-making processes through data analysis and predictive modeling. Autonomous vehicles, powered by AI algorithms, are reshaping the transportation industry. However, ethical considerations, privacy concerns, and the potential impact on employment are important aspects that accompany the rise of AI and require careful consideration.

As AI continues to evolve, its potential to revolutionize industries and improve human lives is immense. Collaboration between technologists, policymakers, and society at large is crucial to ensure the responsible and ethical development of AI technologies.


1}. What is the primary goal of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
a. Replicating human emotions
b. Enhancing human capabilities
c. Mimicking human appearance
d. Creating robots with consciousness

1}. Which subset of AI enables systems to learn from experience without explicit programming?
a. Natural language processing
b. Machine learning
c. Computer vision
d. Robotics

3}. What is deep learning, a specialized form of machine learning, inspired by?
a. Genetic algorithms
b. Quantum mechanics
c. Human brain structure and functionality
d. Statistical mathematics

4}. In which industry has AI made significant contributions to diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized medicine?
a. Entertainment
b. Agriculture
c. Healthcare
d. Construction

5}. What is a potential concern associated with the rise of AI?
a. Increased employment opportunities
b. Enhanced privacy protection
c. Ethical considerations
d. Limited technological advancements


  1. b. Enhancing human capabilities
  2. b. Machine learning
  3. c. Human brain structure and functionality
  4. c. Healthcare
  5. c. Ethical considerations

Comprehension for class 12 with answers pdf

Comprehension Passage: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, offering innovative solutions to improve patient care, diagnostics, and overall efficiency. One of the primary applications of AI in healthcare is in medical imaging. AI algorithms analyze medical images, such as X-rays and MRIs, with remarkable accuracy, aiding in the early detection of diseases like cancer.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, plays a crucial role in predicting patient outcomes and personalizing treatment plans. By analyzing vast amounts of patient data, AI systems can identify patterns and provide insights that assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions tailored to individual patient needs.

Virtual health assistants powered by AI are transforming patient engagement and support. These AI-driven assistants can answer medical queries, provide medication reminders, and offer support for managing chronic conditions, enhancing overall patient experience and adherence to treatment plans.

AI is also instrumental in drug discovery and development. The technology accelerates the identification of potential drug candidates by analyzing biological data and predicting their effectiveness. This not only expedites the research process but also contributes to the development of more targeted and efficient treatments.

Despite these advancements, the integration of AI in healthcare comes with challenges. Ensuring data privacy, addressing ethical concerns, and establishing regulatory frameworks are critical aspects that need careful consideration. Striking a balance between innovation and ethical practice is essential for the responsible adoption of AI in healthcare.


1). In which medical field does AI significantly contribute to the early detection of diseases?
a. Cardiology
b. Dermatology
c. Radiology
d. Neurology

2). What role does machine learning play in healthcare?
a. Analyzing medical images
b. Enhancing patient engagement
c. Predicting patient outcomes
d. Diagnosing diseases

3). How do virtual health assistants powered by AI contribute to patient care?
a. Analyzing drug effectiveness
b. Enhancing patient engagement and support
c. Conducting medical imaging
d. Personalizing treatment plans

4). What aspect of drug development does AI accelerate?
a. Clinical trials
b. Regulatory approval
c. Drug identification
d. Marketing strategies

5). What challenges are associated with the integration of AI in healthcare?
a. Predicting patient outcomes
b. Ensuring data privacy and addressing ethical concerns
c. Analyzing medical images
d. Expediting drug discovery


  1. c. Radiology
  2. c. Predicting patient outcomes
  3. b. Enhancing patient engagement and support
  4. c. Drug identification
  5. b. Ensuring data privacy and addressing ethical concerns

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Class 12 Comprehension: Polishes advanced reading skills, engages with intricate questions to foster critical analysis, ensuring a profound understanding and honed analytical abilities, preparing students for the demands of higher education and beyond.

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