Comprehension for Class 5 With Questions and Answers

Hello friends, today we are here to share a massive collection of comprehension for class 5, you will get all the questions and answers with a summary and discussion at the end. As 5th-class students, we all know that reading comprehension is the key part of learning English. So let us directly dive into the article where you will get the best reading comprehension for class 5 with questions and answers with pdf for free download.

Comprehension for Class 5 With Questions and Answers
Comprehension for Class 5 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension for Class 5 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension Passage: The Magical Forest

In the heart of Greenwood, there was a magical forest where every tree whispered secrets and every flower bloomed with enchantment. One sunny morning, Mia, a curious 10-year-old girl, decided to explore the mystical woods.

As she stepped into the forest, the air felt different. Mia could hear the rustle of leaves as if they were greeting her. She walked deeper, and soon, a wise old owl named Oliver perched on a branch, sharing stories of the ancient times.

Further along, Mia found a shimmering pond with talking frogs. They sang songs about friendship and courage. Mesmerized, Mia sat by the pond, listening to the melodious chorus.

Suddenly, a mischievous squirrel named Sparky appeared, leading Mia to a hidden door. Beyond it, a world of floating islands awaited. Each island had its own magical creature, from flying unicorns to glowing fireflies.

The day passed in the blink of an eye, and as Mia left the forest, she felt a warm breeze whispering, “Come back anytime, dear friend.” Little did she know, the magical forest had chosen her as its guardian.


  1. Where is the magical forest located?
    • A. In Greenwood
    • B. In the mountains
    • C. In the desert
    • D. In the city
  2. What did Mia hear as she stepped into the forest?
    • A. Cars honking
    • B. Trees whispering secrets
    • C. People talking loudly
    • D. Dogs barking
  3. Who shared stories of the ancient times with Mia?
    • A. Talking frogs
    • B. Wise old owl named Oliver
    • C. Mischievous squirrel Sparky
    • D. Glowing fireflies
  4. What did the frogs by the shimmering pond sing about?
    • A. Sad stories
    • B. Friendship and courage
    • C. Food recipes
    • D. Weather updates
  5. Where did Sparky lead Mia?
    • A. To a hidden door
    • B. To a candy shop
    • C. To a river
    • D. To a cave
  6. What awaited Mia beyond the hidden door?
    • A. A school
    • B. A market
    • C. A world of floating islands
    • D. A desert
  7. What did Mia feel as she left the forest?
    • A. Sadness
    • B. Excitement
    • C. Cold
    • D. Fear
  8. What did the warm breeze whisper to Mia?
    • A. “Stay away!”
    • B. “Come back anytime, dear friend.”
    • C. “Run quickly!”
    • D. “Forget this place!”


  1. A. In Greenwood
  2. B. Trees whispering secrets
  3. B. Wise old owl named Oliver
  4. B. Friendship and courage
  5. A. To a hidden door
  6. C. A world of floating islands
  7. B. Excitement
  8. B. “Come back anytime, dear friend.”

Reading Comprehension for Class 5

Comprehension Passage: The Great Ocean Adventure

Once upon a time, in a small coastal town, lived a young boy named Alex. He always dreamed of exploring the vast ocean and discovering its hidden treasures. One summer day, he decided to embark on a great ocean adventure.

With a small boat and a sense of excitement, Alex set sail. As he sailed further, he encountered playful dolphins jumping alongside his boat. They seemed to guide him toward a mysterious island that appeared on the horizon.

Upon reaching the island, Alex discovered a hidden cave. Inside, he found a treasure chest filled with sparkling gems and ancient maps. The maps hinted at the locations of more hidden treasures scattered across the ocean.

Determined to uncover these treasures, Alex continued his journey. Along the way, he faced challenges like strong currents and a sudden storm, but his determination and courage pushed him forward.

Finally, after days of exploration, Alex discovered a sunken shipwreck. To his amazement, it was filled with gold coins and precious artifacts. He realized that the ocean held not only beauty but also incredible stories of the past.

As he sailed back to his coastal town, Alex felt a deep sense of accomplishment. His great ocean adventure had not only fulfilled his dreams but also taught him the importance of perseverance and respect for nature.


  1. What did Alex dream of exploring?
    • A. The mountains
    • B. The desert
    • C. The vast ocean
    • D. The forest
  2. What did Alex encounter as he sailed further?
    • A. Talking birds
    • B. Playful dolphins
    • C. Roaring lions
    • D. Dancing bears
  3. Where did the dolphins seem to guide Alex?
    • A. Toward a mountain
    • B. Toward a forest
    • C. Toward a mysterious island
    • D. Toward a cave
  4. What did Alex find inside the hidden cave?
    • A. A sleeping dragon
    • B. A treasure chest
    • C. A magical portal
    • D. A talking parrot
  5. What did the ancient maps inside the treasure chest hint at?
    • A. Locations of hidden caves
    • B. Locations of hidden treasures
    • C. Locations of dangerous animals
    • D. Locations of secret villages
  6. What challenges did Alex face during his journey?
    • A. Meeting friendly sea creatures
    • B. Strong currents and a sudden storm
    • C. Finding a shortcut
    • D. Smooth sailing all the way
  7. What did Alex discover in the sunken shipwreck?
    • A. Sparkling gems and ancient maps
    • B. Gold coins and precious artifacts
    • C. Talking seashells
    • D. Colorful shells
  8. What did Alex learn from his great ocean adventure?
    • A. To fear the ocean
    • B. The importance of perseverance and respect for nature
    • C. The ocean has no treasures
    • D. Adventures are not exciting


  1. C. The vast ocean
  2. B. Playful dolphins
  3. C. Toward a mysterious island
  4. B. A treasure chest
  5. B. Locations of hidden treasures
  6. B. Strong currents and a sudden storm
  7. B. Gold coins and precious artifacts
  8. B. The importance of perseverance and respect for nature

Reading Comprehension Passages for Class 5

Comprehension Passage: The Secret Garden

In a small village, there was a mysterious garden that nobody dared to enter. It was said to be enchanted, with flowers that glowed in the moonlight and trees that whispered ancient tales. Sarah, a brave 11-year-old, decided to unravel the secrets of the garden.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sarah sneaked into the garden. To her surprise, the flowers did indeed glow, casting a soft light on the path. As she walked deeper, the trees began to murmur stories of a time long ago.

In the heart of the garden, Sarah found a magical fountain. Its water sparkled with a gentle glow. As she touched the water, a magical creature named Luna appeared. Luna, a winged rabbit, spoke of the garden’s magic and the importance of preserving its secrets.

Sarah and Luna formed an unlikely friendship. Luna became her guide, showing her the hidden wonders of the garden – from a pool of wishes to a tree that could answer questions. Sarah promised to protect the garden’s magic and keep it a secret from the villagers.

Days turned into weeks, and Sarah’s secret garden adventures continued. One day, she noticed that the once wilted flowers in her backyard started to bloom. The magic of the secret garden had spread, bringing life and joy to the entire village.


  1. What was said about the garden in the village?
    • A. It was dangerous.
    • B. It was enchanted.
    • C. It was a playground.
    • D. It was boring.
  2. Who decided to enter the mysterious garden?
    • A. Tom
    • B. Sarah
    • C. Luna
    • D. Jake
  3. What did the flowers in the garden do in the moonlight?
    • A. They sang songs.
    • B. They glowed.
    • C. They danced.
    • D. They slept.
  4. What did the trees in the garden do as Sarah walked deeper?
    • A. They grew taller.
    • B. They whispered ancient tales.
    • C. They played music.
    • D. They stood still.
  5. What did Sarah find in the heart of the garden?
    • A. A magical fountain
    • B. A talking parrot
    • C. A treasure chest
    • D. A scary monster
  6. Who appeared when Sarah touched the water of the magical fountain?
    • A. Luna, a talking bird
    • B. Luna, a winged rabbit
    • C. Luna, a swimming fish
    • D. Luna, a dancing flower
  7. What did Luna speak of?
    • A. The weather
    • B. The importance of preserving the garden’s magic
    • C. Luna’s favorite food
    • D. Luna’s favorite games
  8. What promise did Sarah make to Luna?
    • A. To reveal the garden’s secrets to everyone
    • B. To forget about the garden
    • C. To cut down the magical trees
    • D. To protect the garden’s magic and keep it a secret
  9. What happened to the village after Sarah’s secret garden adventures?
    • A. It became boring.
    • B. The magic spread, bringing life and joy.
    • C. It got enchanted.
    • D. The villagers left.


  1. B. It was enchanted.
  2. B. Sarah
  3. B. They glowed.
  4. B. They whispered ancient tales.
  5. A. A magical fountain
  6. B. Luna, a winged rabbit
  7. B. The importance of preserving the garden’s magic
  8. D. To protect the garden’s magic and keep it a secret
  9. B. The magic spread, bringing life and joy.

Reading Comprehension for Grade 5

Comprehension Passage: The Mystery of the Lost Key

In the quiet town of Willowbrook, there was a mysterious mansion rumored to hold a hidden treasure. Legend had it that the key to the mansion’s secret vault had been lost for centuries. One day, a young detective named Emily decided to solve the mystery of the lost key.

Equipped with her magnifying glass and detective hat, Emily started her investigation. She began by questioning the town’s elders, who shared stories about the mansion’s rich history and the disappearance of the key.

As Emily explored the mansion’s surroundings, she noticed an old oak tree with peculiar markings. Digging beneath it, she uncovered a dusty, ancient diary. The diary belonged to the mansion’s original owner and contained clues pointing to the whereabouts of the lost key.

Following the clues, Emily found herself in the mansion’s library. There, hidden behind a shelf of dusty books, was a secret door. Behind the door was a small room containing a dusty chest. With bated breath, Emily tried the key from the diary, and to her amazement, it opened the chest.

Inside, she discovered not just the lost key but also a collection of precious artifacts. The town celebrated Emily as the detective who solved the centuries-old mystery, and the mansion’s hidden treasures were displayed in the local museum for everyone to see.


  1. What was rumored to be in the mansion in Willowbrook?
    • A. A lost cat
    • B. A hidden treasure
    • C. A magical mirror
    • D. A secret garden
  2. Who decided to solve the mystery of the lost key?
    • A. Sarah
    • B. Emily
    • C. Alex
    • D. Tom
  3. What tools did Emily use for her investigation?
    • A. A shovel and a bucket
    • B. A magnifying glass and a detective hat
    • C. A paintbrush and a canvas
    • D. A cooking pot and a spatula
  4. What did Emily uncover beneath the old oak tree?
    • A. A buried treasure chest
    • B. A hidden door
    • C. An ancient diary
    • D. A talking parrot
  5. Who did the diary belong to?
    • A. The town’s mayor
    • B. The mansion’s original owner
    • C. Emily’s best friend
    • D. The local baker
  6. Where did Emily find the secret door?
    • A. In the mansion’s kitchen
    • B. Behind a shelf of dusty books in the library
    • C. Underneath the old oak tree
    • D. In the town square
  7. What did Emily find inside the small room behind the secret door?
    • A. A dusty chest
    • B. A lost key
    • C. A collection of precious artifacts
    • D. All of the above
  8. How did the town celebrate Emily’s discovery?
    • A. By ignoring it
    • B. By throwing a parade
    • C. By hosting a treasure hunt
    • D. By displaying the treasures in the local museum


  1. B. A hidden treasure
  2. B. Emily
  3. B. A magnifying glass and a detective hat
  4. C. An ancient diary
  5. B. The mansion’s original owner
  6. B. Behind a shelf of dusty books in the library
  7. D. All of the above
  8. D. By displaying the treasures in the local museum

Comprehension Passage: The Galactic Adventure

In a distant galaxy, there was a young space explorer named Alex. One day, while zooming through the cosmos in his trusty spaceship, he discovered an uncharted planet. Excitement filled the air as he landed on the mysterious world, ready for a galactic adventure.

As Alex explored, he encountered friendly aliens with shimmering scales and glowing eyes. They welcomed him to their unique planet, explaining that it was a place of peace and harmony. The aliens shared stories of their planet’s wonders, from floating islands to rainbow rivers.

Eager to learn more, Alex joined the aliens on a journey to the heart of the planet, where a crystal cave held the key to their extraordinary abilities. The crystals emitted a gentle glow and, when touched, granted temporary superpowers to anyone.

In awe, Alex touched a crystal and felt the surge of energy. He discovered he could float in the air and communicate with the aliens through thought. Together, they soared above the floating islands, witnessing the breathtaking beauty of their galactic home.

As the day came to an end, the aliens thanked Alex for visiting and bestowed upon him a special crystal as a token of friendship. With gratitude in his heart, Alex boarded his spaceship, leaving the enchanted planet behind, carrying memories of his unforgettable galactic adventure.


  1. What is the name of the space explorer in the story?
    • A. Tom
    • B. Emily
    • C. Alex
    • D. Sarah
  2. What did Alex discover while zooming through the cosmos?
    • A. A black hole
    • B. An uncharted planet
    • C. A comet
    • D. A distant galaxy
  3. How did the aliens on the planet look?
    • A. They had glowing eyes and shimmering scales.
    • B. They had wings and feathers.
    • C. They had horns and tails.
    • D. They were invisible.
  4. What did the aliens share stories about?
    • A. Deserts and mountains
    • B. Wonders of their planet
    • C. Famous explorers
    • D. Ancient civilizations
  5. Where did Alex go with the aliens on a journey?
    • A. To a cave of treasures
    • B. To the heart of the planet
    • C. To a distant moon
    • D. To a space station
  6. What did the crystals in the cave do when touched?
    • A. They turned into water
    • B. They granted temporary superpowers
    • C. They became invisible
    • D. They started glowing brightly
  7. What superpowers did Alex gain from touching a crystal?
    • A. Invisibility
    • B. Super strength
    • C. Ability to float in the air and communicate through thought
    • D. Ability to control time
  8. Where did Alex and the aliens soar above?
    • A. Underwater caves
    • B. Floating islands
    • C. Volcanic mountains
    • D. Ice-covered glaciers
  9. What token of friendship did the aliens give to Alex?
    • A. A spaceship
    • B. A special crystal
    • C. A map of the galaxy
    • D. A magical wand


  1. C. Alex
  2. B. An uncharted planet
  3. A. They had glowing eyes and shimmering scales.
  4. B. Wonders of their planet
  5. B. To the heart of the planet
  6. B. They granted temporary superpowers
  7. C. Ability to float in the air and communicate through thought
  8. B. Floating islands
  9. B. A special crystal

Comprehension Passage: The Time-Traveling Watch

In the bustling city of Chronoville, there was a peculiar watchmaker named Professor Carter. One day, while experimenting with a new invention, he accidentally created a time-traveling watch. Curious and fearless, Emma, a young girl, found the watch in the professor’s shop and decided to embark on an extraordinary journey through time.

As Emma turned the dial on the watch, she was transported to ancient Egypt, where pyramids touched the sky, and the Nile River flowed gently. She marveled at the grandeur of the civilization and even met a friendly pharaoh who shared tales of their daily life.

Next, Emma traveled to the Renaissance period, witnessing artists at work and the magnificent creations of Leonardo da Vinci. She was amazed by the beauty of art and innovation during this historical era.

Her journey continued to the future, where sleek flying cars zoomed above futuristic skyscrapers. Emma explored the advanced technology and met robots that performed everyday tasks, making life more convenient.

Finally, with a twist of the watch dial, Emma returned to Chronoville, her hometown. Professor Carter, surprised to see her, explained the watch’s accidental time-traveling capabilities. Emma, with a sparkle in her eyes, thanked the professor for the unforgettable adventure and promised to cherish the memories of her time-traveling escapade forever.


  1. What kind of invention did Professor Carter create?
    • A. A flying carpet
    • B. A time-traveling watch
    • C. A magic wand
    • D. A talking parrot
  2. How did Emma find the time-traveling watch?
    • A. In her backpack
    • B. In a museum
    • C. In Professor Carter’s shop
    • D. In a library
  3. Where did Emma travel to first with the time-traveling watch?
    • A. The Renaissance period
    • B. Ancient Egypt
    • C. The future
    • D. Chronoville
  4. What did Emma see in ancient Egypt?
    • A. Flying cars
    • B. Pyramids and the Nile River
    • C. Skyscrapers
    • D. Robots
  5. Which period did Emma visit to witness the work of Leonardo da Vinci?
    • A. Ancient Egypt
    • B. The Renaissance period
    • C. The future
    • D. Chronoville
  6. What did Emma find in the future?
    • A. Paintings and sculptures
    • B. Robots and advanced technology
    • C. Pyramids and pharaohs
    • D. Time-traveling watches
  7. How did Emma return to Chronoville?
    • A. By walking
    • B. By using a time-traveling watch
    • C. By flying on a broomstick
    • D. By riding a horse
  8. What did Emma promise Professor Carter at the end of the story?
    • A. To forget about the time-traveling adventure
    • B. To return the watch
    • C. To cherish the memories of her time-traveling escapade
    • D. To buy a new watch


  1. B. A time-traveling watch
  2. C. In Professor Carter’s shop
  3. B. Ancient Egypt
  4. B. Pyramids and the Nile River
  5. B. The Renaissance period
  6. B. Robots and advanced technology
  7. B. By using a time-traveling watch
  8. C. To cherish the memories of her time-traveling escapade

Comprehension Passage: The Magical School

In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, there stood a magical school known as Eldoria School of Wizardry. Young wizards and witches from different realms came to learn the art of magic from the wise Headmaster Merlin.

One bright morning, a new student named Oliver arrived at Eldoria. The school was hidden from ordinary eyes by a spell, and Oliver felt a tingle of excitement as he crossed the threshold into a world of enchantment.

The classrooms at Eldoria were not like regular classrooms. They changed their appearance based on the subject being taught. In the Potion’s Room, cauldrons bubbled with colorful mixtures, and in the Flying Hall, broomsticks whizzed around as students practiced their flying skills.

Oliver’s favorite class was Magical Creatures. He befriended a mischievous phoenix named Blaze and a wise unicorn named Sparkle. Together, they embarked on quests to discover hidden corners of the Enchanted Forest and learn about the magical creatures that dwelled within.

One day, Headmaster Merlin announced a Grand Wizard Tournament. Students would showcase their magical prowess in various challenges. Oliver, with Blaze and Sparkle by his side, faced challenges involving spellcasting, potion-making, and even a race through the Enchanted Maze.

In the end, Oliver and his magical companions emerged victorious, earning the admiration of their fellow students. As a reward, they were granted a visit to the secret Library of Eldoria, where ancient books whispered tales of forgotten spells and untold adventures.

Oliver’s time at Eldoria was filled with wonder and learning. As he bid farewell to the magical school, he knew that the lessons and friendships he gained would stay with him forever, carrying the magic of Eldoria wherever his journey took him.


  1. What is the name of the magical school in the story?
    • A. Merlin’s School of Magic
    • B. Enchanted School of Wizardry
    • C. Eldoria School of Wizardry
    • D. Magical Realm Academy
  2. What is unique about the classrooms at Eldoria?
    • A. They have talking walls.
    • B. They change their appearance based on the subject.
    • C. They are made of candy.
    • D. They are invisible.
  3. Which class was Oliver’s favorite at Eldoria?
    • A. Spellcasting
    • B. Flying Skills
    • C. Potion Making
    • D. Magical Creatures
  4. Who were Oliver’s magical companions in the class of Magical Creatures?
    • A. Blaze and Sparkle
    • B. Luna and Oliver
    • C. Merlin and Arthur
    • D. Dragon and Griffin
  5. What did Oliver and his companions win in the Grand Wizard Tournament?
    • A. A trip to the Enchanted Maze
    • B. A visit to the secret Library of Eldoria
    • C. A magical broomstick
    • D. A talking spellbook
  6. What was the reward for winning the Grand Wizard Tournament?
    • A. A visit to the secret Library of Eldoria
    • B. A trip to the Enchanted Maze
    • C. Extra credit in all classes
    • D. A special potion
  7. What did Oliver learn in the Library of Eldoria?
    • A. Forgotten spells and untold adventures
    • B. How to cook magical recipes
    • C. History of the Enchanted Forest
    • D. Flying skills
  8. How did Oliver feel as he bid farewell to Eldoria?
    • A. Sad
    • B. Angry
    • C. Indifferent
    • D. Happy


  1. C. Eldoria School of Wizardry
  2. B. They change their appearance based on the subject.
  3. D. Magical Creatures
  4. A. Blaze and Sparkle
  5. B. A visit to the secret Library of Eldoria
  6. A. A visit to the secret Library of Eldoria
  7. A. Forgotten spells and untold adventures
  8. A. Sad

Comprehension Passage: The Mystery of Moonstone Manor

On the outskirts of Ravenwood village stood Moonstone Manor, an old mansion with a mysterious history. Legend had it that the manor was haunted by the ghost of Lady Eleanor, who was said to roam the halls at night. Curious and adventurous, a group of friends—Sophie, Max, and Lily—decided to unravel the mystery of Moonstone Manor.

One moonlit night, armed with flashlights and a map, the friends sneaked into the manor. The creaking doors and whispering winds added to the eerie atmosphere as they explored room after room. In the library, they discovered an ancient diary that belonged to Lady Eleanor herself.

The diary revealed that Lady Eleanor was not a ghost but a misunderstood soul seeking help. She had hidden a precious artifact called the Moonstone in the manor to protect it from falling into the wrong hands. The friends were determined to find the Moonstone and help Lady Eleanor find peace.

Following the clues in the diary, the trio navigated secret passages and solved riddles until they reached the heart of Moonstone Manor. There, hidden behind a portrait, they found the Moonstone—a radiant gem with a soft glow. As they touched the Moonstone, Lady Eleanor’s spirit appeared, thanking them for solving the mystery and promising to watch over the manor in eternal peace.

The next morning, the friends shared their adventure with the villagers, and Moonstone Manor became a place of wonder rather than fear. The village decided to turn the manor into a museum to preserve its rich history and the story of Lady Eleanor.


  1. What is the name of the mysterious mansion in the story?
    • A. Sunstone Palace
    • B. Moonstone Manor
    • C. Ravenwood Castle
    • D. Starlight Mansion
  2. Who were the friends that decided to unravel the mystery of Moonstone Manor?
    • A. Emma, Alex, and Oliver
    • B. Max, Lily, and Sophie
    • C. Tom, Emily, and Jake
    • D. Sarah, Luna, and Blaze
  3. What did the friends discover in the library of Moonstone Manor?
    • A. A hidden passage
    • B. An ancient diary
    • C. Lady Eleanor’s ghost
    • D. A treasure chest
  4. What did the ancient diary reveal about Lady Eleanor?
    • A. She was a ghost haunting the manor.
    • B. She was a misunderstood soul seeking help.
    • C. She was a treasure hunter.
    • D. She was a famous author.
  5. What did Lady Eleanor hide in Moonstone Manor?
    • A. A magical potion
    • B. A secret map
    • C. A precious artifact called the Moonstone
    • D. A time-traveling device
  6. Where did the friends find the Moonstone in Moonstone Manor?
    • A. In the library
    • B. In the kitchen
    • C. Behind a portrait
    • D. Under a bed
  7. What happened when the friends touched the Moonstone?
    • A. Lady Eleanor’s spirit appeared.
    • B. The manor shook.
    • C. They heard ghostly laughter.
    • D. The lights went out.
  8. What did Lady Eleanor promise after the friends found the Moonstone?
    • A. To haunt the manor forever
    • B. To watch over the manor in eternal peace
    • C. To turn the manor into a hotel
    • D. To hide more treasures in the manor
  9. What did the village decide to do with Moonstone Manor after the adventure?
    • A. Turn it into a museum
    • B. Abandon it
    • C. Demolish it
    • D. Sell it to the highest bidder


  1. B. Moonstone Manor
  2. B. Max, Lily, and Sophie
  3. B. An ancient diary
  4. B. She was a misunderstood soul seeking help.
  5. C. A precious artifact called the Moonstone
  6. C. Behind a portrait
  7. A. Lady Eleanor’s spirit appeared.
  8. B. To watch over the manor in eternal peace
  9. A. Turn it into a museum

Comprehension Passage: The Magical Carnival

Once a year, a magical carnival appeared in the town of Mystica, bringing wonder and joy to all who visited. The carnival was no ordinary one; it was said to be enchanted with mystical creatures, whimsical rides, and spellbinding performances.

Ella, a young girl with a heart full of curiosity, couldn’t wait for the carnival to arrive. As the first rays of sunlight touched the horizon, the colorful tents and sparkling lights of the magical carnival emerged in the town square.

Ella explored every corner of the carnival, from the fortune-teller’s tent to the enchanted carousel that spun with giggling fairies. She tried her luck at games where mischievous imps played alongside her, and she even befriended a wise old wizard who showed her card tricks that made her gasp in amazement.

The highlight of the carnival was the Grand Illusion Show performed by the enigmatic magician, Mystico. With a wave of his wand, Mystico made things appear and disappear in a blink of an eye, leaving the audience in awe.

As the moonlit night unfolded, Ella discovered a secret path that led to the heart of the carnival, where a magical fountain stood. Legend had it that anyone who made a wish at the fountain would have their deepest desires granted.

Ella closed her eyes, made a wish, and felt a gentle breeze, as if the carnival itself whispered secrets of dreams coming true. The next morning, as the carnival vanished into thin air, Ella woke up to find a small charm on her bedside table—a reminder of the magical night at Mystica’s enchanted carnival.


  1. What makes the carnival in Mystica magical?
    • A. Talking animals
    • B. Enchanted rides and mystical creatures
    • C. Colorful decorations
    • D. Acrobatic performances
  2. Who is the protagonist of the story?
    • A. Mystico
    • B. Ella
    • C. The wise old wizard
    • D. The fortune-teller
  3. What emerged in the town square as the first rays of sunlight touched the horizon?
    • A. A magical fountain
    • B. The Grand Illusion Show
    • C. The carnival
    • D. A mysterious path
  4. What did Ella explore in the carnival?
    • A. Enchanted carousel
    • B. A haunted house
    • C. A chocolate factory
    • D. A spaceship
  5. Who showed Ella card tricks at the carnival?
    • A. Mischievous imps
    • B. Fairies
    • C. Wise old wizard
    • D. Mystico
  6. What was the highlight of the carnival according to the passage?
    • A. The enchanted carousel
    • B. The Grand Illusion Show by Mystico
    • C. The fortune-teller’s tent
    • D. The mischievous imps’ games
  7. What legend is associated with the magical fountain at the heart of the carnival?
    • A. It grants wishes
    • B. It tells the future
    • C. It turns people into animals
    • D. It makes people invisible
  8. What did Ella find on her bedside table the next morning?
    • A. A book
    • B. A charm
    • C. A magical potion
    • D. A map


  1. B. Enchanted rides and mystical creatures
  2. B. Ella
  3. C. The carnival
  4. A. Enchanted carousel
  5. C. Wise old wizard
  6. B. The Grand Illusion Show by Mystico
  7. A. It grants wishes
  8. B. A charm

Comprehension for Class 5 with Questions and Answers Pdf Free Download

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Class 5 Comprehension: Enhances sophisticated reading skills, poses varied questions for critical analysis, fostering in-depth understanding and analytical thinking.

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