Comprehension for Class 7 With Questions and Answers

Hello friends, today we are here to share a massive collection of comprehension for class 7, you will get all the questions and answers with a summary and discussion at the end. As 7th-class students, we all know that reading comprehension is the key part of learning English. So let us directly dive into the article where you will get the best reading comprehension for class 7 with questions and answers with pdf for free download.

Comprehension for Class 7 With Questions and Answers
Comprehension for Class 7 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension for Class 7 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension Passage: A Night of Adventure

The sun had just set behind the hills, casting a warm orange glow across the meadow. Sarah and her friends gathered near the old oak tree, their laughter filling the air. They were planning a camping trip for the weekend. The excitement was palpable as they discussed the location, the activities, and the delicious meals they would cook over the campfire.

As the night sky emerged, dotted with twinkling stars, they set up their tents and gathered around the crackling fire. Sarah’s friend, Jake, began telling ghost stories that sent shivers down everyone’s spine. The flickering flames cast eerie shadows, making the stories come to life in the imagination of the young campers.

Later, as they lay in their sleeping bags, the night sounds surrounded them—the chirping of crickets, the distant hooting of an owl, and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Under the vast expanse of the starlit sky, Sarah felt a sense of awe and wonder that she would remember for a long time.


  1. What is the title of the passage?a) Camping Adventures
    b) A Night of Adventure
    c) Ghost Stories
    d) Under the Starlit Sky
  2. What were Sarah and her friends planning?a) A birthday party
    b) A camping trip
    c) A movie night
    d) A picnic
  3. Who told ghost stories around the campfire?a) Sarah
    b) Jake
    c) Both Sarah and Jake
    d) No one
  4. How did the flickering flames affect the atmosphere?a) Made it joyful
    b) Made it scary
    c) Made it exciting
    d) Made it boring
  5. What sounds did the campers hear as they lay in their sleeping bags?a) Horns honking
    b) Dogs barking
    c) Crickets chirping
    d) Cars speeding
  6. What did Sarah feel under the starlit sky?a) Fear
    b) Awe and wonder
    c) Disgust
    d) Boredom


  1. b) A Night of Adventure
  2. b) A camping trip
  3. b) Jake
  4. b) Made it scary
  5. c) Crickets chirping
  6. b) Awe and wonder

Reading Comprehension for Class 7

Comprehension Passage: The Mystery of the Old Library

In the heart of the town stood an ancient library, its dusty shelves holding secrets from centuries past. Lucy, a curious girl with a love for books, decided to unravel the mysteries within. As she entered the library, the creaking wooden floors echoed through the silent space.

Amidst the old books and dim lighting, Lucy discovered a peculiar book bound in faded leather. Its title, “The Whispering Chronicles,” intrigued her. As she opened its pages, a soft murmur seemed to fill the air. The book revealed tales of forgotten lands and enchanted creatures, transporting Lucy to realms beyond imagination.

Lost in the stories, Lucy hardly noticed the passage of time. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the library seemed to come alive with hidden whispers. Lucy left with a heart full of wonder, promising to return and explore more of the mysteries that awaited within the old library.


  1. What is the title of the passage?a) Lucy and the Library
    b) Unraveling the Past
    c) The Mystery of the Old Library
    d) Adventures in the Ancient Library
  2. Who decided to explore the ancient library?a) Tommy
    b) Jake
    c) Lucy
    d) Sarah
  3. What was the title of the peculiar book Lucy found?a) The Ancient Tales
    b) The Whispering Chronicles
    c) Forgotten Lands
    d) Enchanted Creatures
  4. What did Lucy feel as she opened the pages of “The Whispering Chronicles”?a) A soft murmur in the air
    b) Cold wind
    c) Silence
    d) Loud chatter
  5. What did the book reveal to Lucy?a) Recipes
    b) Tales of forgotten lands and enchanted creatures
    c) Maps
    d) Poems
  6. What happened as the sun dipped below the horizon?a) The library closed
    b) Lucy fell asleep
    c) Hidden whispers filled the air
    d) Lucy left the library


  1. c) The Mystery of the Old Library
  2. c) Lucy
  3. b) The Whispering Chronicles
  4. a) A soft murmur in the air
  5. b) Tales of forgotten lands and enchanted creatures
  6. c) Hidden whispers filled the air

Reading Comprehension Passages for Class 7

Comprehension Passage: The Time-Traveling Watch

In a quaint antique shop downtown, Emma stumbled upon an old pocket watch with intricate engravings. Little did she know, this wasn’t an ordinary watch. As she wound it up, a mysterious portal opened, transporting her to a bygone era.

Emma found herself in a bustling medieval marketplace, surrounded by merchants selling goods and knights in shining armor. Bewildered but fascinated, she explored the cobblestone streets and tasted exotic fruits from a vibrant market stall.

Curiosity led Emma to a grand castle where a wise old wizard awaited. He explained that the watch was a time-traveling artifact. With a gentle wave of his staff, Emma was back in the present, clutching the enchanted watch.

Back in her own time, Emma couldn’t wait to share her incredible adventure. The antique shop owner smiled knowingly, revealing that the watch had chosen her as its next traveler.


  1. What is the title of the passage?a) Emma’s Timeless Journey
    b) The Antique Discovery
    c) The Time-Traveling Watch
    d) Adventures in Downtown
  2. Where did Emma find the old pocket watch?a) In a modern store
    b) In an antique shop
    c) In a pawn shop
    d) In a flea market
  3. What happened when Emma wound up the watch?a) It stopped working
    b) A mysterious portal opened
    c) It played music
    d) It displayed the time
  4. Where did Emma find herself after using the watch?a) In a futuristic city
    b) In a medieval marketplace
    c) In a tropical island
    d) In a snowy village
  5. Who did Emma meet in the grand castle?a) A queen
    b) A knight
    c) A wizard
    d) A blacksmith
  6. How did Emma return to her own time?a) By walking
    b) By using a magic spell
    c) By riding a horse
    d) By winding up the watch again


  1. c) The Time-Traveling Watch
  2. b) In an antique shop
  3. b) A mysterious portal opened
  4. b) In a medieval marketplace
  5. c) A wizard
  6. b) By using a magic spell

Reading Comprehension for Grade 7

Comprehension Passage: The Cosmic Conundrum

On a clear summer night, Mark gazed at the stars through his telescope. To his amazement, a swirling vortex appeared in the night sky. Without hesitation, he stepped into it, finding himself on an alien planet bathed in an otherworldly glow.

Mark encountered friendly extraterrestrial beings who communicated through a mesmerizing dance of colors. They shared tales of their cosmic adventures and the wonders of their technologically advanced world. Mark, eager to learn, observed their unique way of life and even tried their gravity-defying hoverboard.

As dawn approached, Mark was gently transported back to his backyard. The vortex closed behind him, leaving him with a heart full of curiosity. The next day, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was all a dream. However, the iridescent dust on his shoes told a different story.


  1. What is the title of the passage?a) Mark’s Alien Encounter
    b) The Starry Night
    c) The Cosmic Conundrum
    d) Adventures in the Galaxy
  2. How did Mark discover the vortex in the night sky?a) Through a spaceship
    b) With his telescope
    c) During a dream
    d) By reading a book
  3. Where did Mark find himself after stepping into the vortex?a) In a dense forest
    b) On an alien planet
    c) In a parallel universe
    d) Underwater
  4. How did the extraterrestrial beings communicate with Mark?a) Spoken language
    b) Morse code
    c) Telepathy
    d) Dance of colors
  5. What did Mark try on the alien planet?a) Flying a spaceship
    b) Riding a hoverboard
    c) Playing musical instruments
    d) Swimming in a cosmic river
  6. What evidence did Mark have that the experience was real?a) A diary entry
    b) A photograph
    c) Iridescent dust on his shoes
    d) A souvenir from the aliens


  1. c) The Cosmic Conundrum
  2. b) With his telescope
  3. b) On an alien planet
  4. d) Dance of colors
  5. b) Riding a hoverboard
  6. c) Iridescent dust on his shoes

Comprehension for Class 7 level With Questions and Answers

Comprehension Passage: The Enchanted Lighthouse

On a foggy evening, Mia discovered a hidden lighthouse nestled among the cliffs. As she entered, the interior transformed into a magical realm filled with talking animals. The wise old owl, perched on a stack of books, greeted her warmly.

Mia learned that the lighthouse was a portal to the Animal Kingdom, a realm where animals spoke and lived harmoniously. She embarked on a journey with a chatty squirrel and a friendly turtle, exploring the vast landscapes of the enchanted realm.

In the heart of the Animal Kingdom, Mia encountered a mischievous monkey who had stolen the laughter of the land. With the help of her newfound friends, Mia devised a plan to retrieve the laughter and restore joy to the realm.

As dawn approached, Mia bid farewell to her animal friends and stepped back into the familiar world. The lighthouse remained hidden, waiting for the next adventurer to discover its enchanting secrets.


  1. What is the title of the passage?a) Mia’s Magical Discovery
    b) The Hidden Lighthouse
    c) Adventures in the Animal Kingdom
    d) The Enchanted Lighthouse
  2. When did Mia discover the hidden lighthouse?a) On a sunny afternoon
    b) On a foggy evening
    c) During a thunderstorm
    d) In the middle of the night
  3. What did the interior of the lighthouse transform into?a) A library
    b) A magical realm with talking animals
    c) A museum
    d) A deserted island
  4. Who greeted Mia inside the lighthouse?a) A wise old owl
    b) A mischievous monkey
    c) A chatty squirrel
    d) A friendly turtle
  5. Where did Mia embark on a journey with her animal friends?a) In a haunted forest
    b) In a bustling city
    c) In the Animal Kingdom
    d) In a snowy mountain
  6. What did Mia and her friends aim to retrieve in the Animal Kingdom?a) Stolen jewels
    b) The laughter of the land
    c) Magical potions
    d) Ancient artifacts


  1. d) The Enchanted Lighthouse
  2. b) On a foggy evening
  3. b) A magical realm with talking animals
  4. a) A wise old owl
  5. c) In the Animal Kingdom
  6. b) The laughter of the land

Unique Comprehension for Class 7 With Qna

Comprehension Passage: The Secret Garden of Whispers

In the heart of the countryside, Lucy stumbled upon an ancient gate hidden behind a thicket of roses. Intrigued, she pushed it open and entered the Secret Garden of Whispers. The air was filled with soft murmurs, and vibrant flowers seemed to share tales of bygone days.

Lucy discovered that each flower had its own unique story and ability. The tulips whispered of courage, and the daisies revealed the secrets of friendship. As she explored further, a wise old rose bush beckoned her to a secluded corner.

In that corner, Lucy found a hidden well with water that sparkled like liquid silver. As she dipped her hand, the water whispered ancient wisdom, filling her with a profound sense of understanding. Lucy realized that the Secret Garden of Whispers held the key to unlocking the secrets of the heart.

As she left the garden, Lucy vowed to return and share the wisdom she gained with others. The ancient gate closed behind her, concealing the enchanting world of whispers until another curious soul discovered its magic.


  1. What is the title of the passage?a) Lucy’s Garden Adventure
    b) The Hidden Gate
    c) The Secret Garden of Whispers
    d) Tales from the Countryside
  2. Where did Lucy find the ancient gate?a) In the city park
    b) In her backyard
    c) Behind a thicket of roses
    d) Near the river
  3. What did Lucy discover about the flowers in the garden?a) They could sing
    b) They had unique stories and abilities
    c) They were enchanted
    d) They were ordinary flowers
  4. What did the tulips in the garden whisper about?a) Secrets of courage
    b) Secrets of friendship
    c) Secrets of love
    d) Secrets of laughter
  5. What did Lucy find in the secluded corner of the garden?a) A hidden gate
    b) A wise old rose bush
    c) A sparkling well
    d) A secret pathway
  6. What did the water in the well whisper to Lucy?a) Stories of the past
    b) Ancient wisdom
    c) Secrets of the future
    d) Tales of adventure


  1. c) The Secret Garden of Whispers
  2. c) Behind a thicket of roses
  3. b) They had unique stories and abilities
  4. a) Secrets of courage
  5. c) A sparkling well
  6. b) Ancient wisdom

Comprehension Passage for Class 7 With Qna

Comprehension Passage: The Celestial Puzzle

One summer evening, Alex found an ancient puzzle in the attic of their grandfather’s house. The puzzle was unlike any other, with pieces adorned with celestial symbols. As Alex began to assemble it, a soft hum filled the room, and the puzzle started glowing.

To Alex’s astonishment, the puzzle transformed into a celestial map, revealing hidden constellations and mystical pathways. Each constellation held a story of ancient gods and mythical creatures. As Alex traced the pathways, a magical portal opened, transporting them to a celestial realm.

In the realm, Alex encountered celestial beings who shared tales of the balance between stars and the cosmic dance of the galaxies. The beings gifted Alex with a celestial compass, guiding them back home.

As Alex returned, the puzzle reverted to its original form. Grandfather, with a knowing smile, explained that the puzzle held the key to unlocking cosmic secrets. The attic, it seemed, held more wonders than Alex could have ever imagined.


  1. What is the title of the passage?a) The Attic Adventure
    b) Celestial Wonders
    c) The Celestial Puzzle
    d) Grandfather’s Secrets
  2. Where did Alex find the ancient puzzle?a) In the basement
    b) In the kitchen
    c) In the attic
    d) In the garden
  3. What happened when Alex started assembling the puzzle?a) It broke
    b) It started glowing
    c) It disappeared
    d) It made a loud noise
  4. What did the puzzle transform into?a) A treasure chest
    b) A celestial map
    c) A magic wand
    d) A time machine
  5. Where did the magical portal transport Alex?a) Underwater city
    b) Celestial realm
    c) Mountain peak
    d) Desert oasis
  6. What did the celestial beings share with Alex?a) Tales of ancient wars
    b) Stories of cosmic balance
    c) Secrets of time travel
    d) Legends of underwater cities


  1. c) The Celestial Puzzle
  2. c) In the attic
  3. b) It started glowing
  4. b) A celestial map
  5. b) Celestial realm
  6. b) Stories of cosmic balance

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Class 7 Comprehension: Elevates reading proficiency, introduces complex questions to stimulate critical thinking, fostering a deepened understanding and honed analytical skills.

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