Having Crossed The River
Having crossed the river,
where will you go, O friend?
There’s no road to tread,
No traveler ahead,
Neither a beginning, nor an end.
There’s no water, no boat, no boatman, no cord;
No earth is there, no sky, no time, no bank, no ford.
You have forgotten the Self within,
Your search in the void will be in vain;
In a moment the life will ebb
And in this body you won’t remain.
Be ever conscious of this, O friend,
You’ve to immerse within your Self;
Kabir says, salvation you won’t then need,
For what you are, you would be indeed.
Also read,
Are You Looking For Me? Poem by Kabir
Where Do You Search Me Poem by Kabir
Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost, 1928
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost, 1923
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