O Slave, Liberate Yourself Poem by Kabir

Kabir’s poetry often emphasizes spiritual themes and the pursuit of inner liberation. Here’s an English rendition of the poem “O Slave, Liberate Yourself” attributed to Kabir:

O Slave, Liberate Yourself Poem by Kabir
O Slave, Liberate Yourself Poem by Kabir

O Slave, Liberate Yourself

O Slave, liberate yourself.

Where are you, and where’s your home,
find it in your lifetime, man.

If you fail to wake up now,
you’ll be helpless when the end comes.

Says Kabir, listen, O wise one,
the siege of Death is hard to withstand.

Also read,

The Guest Is Inside You, And Also Inside Me Poem by Kabir

To Thee Thou Hast Drawn My Love Poem by Kabir

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