School Holidays: Know Where Durga Puja Holidays Extend to 9-10 Days

While Telangana has declared 10 days Diwali school holidays, Odisha schools will remain closed for 9 days during Durga Puja festival. The state government has announced that all academic institutions will remain shut from October 20 to 29, 2023. Students here will thus enjoy a long break too. However, they are advised to set aside some time for studies during this period.

School Holidays Know Where Durga Puja Holidays Extend to 9-10 Days
School Holidays Know Where Durga Puja Holidays Extend to 9-10 Days

Key Points

  • Schools in Odisha closed till October 29, 2023
  • Holidays in Telangana till October 25, 2023
  • UP and other states also to have Diwali break

The festive season of Navratri is currently being celebrated across the country with Durga Puja pandals decorated everywhere. Dussehra will be observed on October 24, 2023. On this day, schools and colleges in UP and several other states will be closed. However, one state stands out by announcing not 1 or 2 days but a full 10 days of Diwali holidays this year.

It may surprise you, but the state which will see 10-day school break on the occasion of Dussehra is Telangana. The state has declared holidays from October 14 to 25, 2023 to celebrate Dussehra festivities. However, junior colleges here will be closed only from October 19 to 25 i.e. 7 days during this period. The state holidays also include 1 day off on October 22 for Bathukamma festival. Students in the state sure have a lot to rejoice!

9-Day Holidays in Odisha Too

Apart from Telangana, schools in Odisha will also remain closed for 9 days during Durga Puja. The state government has announced that all academic institutions will stay shut from October 20 to 29, 2023. So students here are also getting a long vacation. However, they are advised to take out time for studies during this period.

Notably, Uttar Pradesh will have holidays on Dussehra along with one additional day off. This extra day will be observed in 35 districts where UP PET exam is scheduled, to facilitate smooth conduct of the test.

Guidelines Issued for Educational Institutions

While granting holidays, states have directed educational institutions to utilise this period for maintenance, sanitization, stock taking and other activities. Teachers have been asked to remain available even during the break.

The prolonged holidays aim to allow students and staff to fully participate in festivals, but studies should not be ignored altogether. A balanced approach needs to be followed.

Key Preparation Tips for Students

Here are some tips for students to prepare during the long Diwali vacations:

  • Make a daily routine and divide time for self-study
  • Focus on difficult topics and clear all doubts
  • Do not neglect homework and test series
  • Revise important formulas, notes, diagrams
  • Stay in touch with teachers for academic support
  • Avoid distractions and make the most of available time

The holidays are meant for rejuvenation but a little extra effort can go a long way in boosting exam preparation.

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