Unseen Passage for Class 11 with Solutions

We are presenting a compilation of Unseen Passage For Class 11 with Solutions for the purpose of practice and revision. Typically, examinations for Class 11 include two unseen passages, making this topic worth over 15 marks in both NCERT and CBSE exams. It is essential for students to pay close attention to this topic and engage in practice with various passages. To cater to this requirement, we offer this special article on Unseen Passage for Class 11, aiming to assist students in their preparation and revision.

Unseen Passage for Class 11 with Solutions
Unseen Passage for Class 11 with Solutions

Unseen Passage For Class 11 – Passage 1

Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 11 carefully and answer the questions given below:-

Half Yearly Exam 2024 – Bikaner

Srinivasa Ramanujan was one of the greatest mathematical geniuses in the world. Born in a poor Brahmin family, he did not indicate his hidden talent. he was born at Erode in Coimbatore in 1887. His father was an accountant in a cloth merchant who had to maintain a large family on a small income. Srinivasa was granted half exemption of fees when he stood first in the primary school examination in the whole of Tanjore district.

From his childhood, Ramanujan was of a quiet and dreamy temperament. He had answers to all sums that puzzled his classmates and senior figures did not worry him, no calculation was too difficult for him. Things that were all dark and muddled to his classmates were as clear as daylight to him.

When he was in second class his curiosity upon the subject of the “Highest Truth” in Mathematics was roused. Later on, when he moved into the third standard, he asked for problems of Mathematics of a higher nature. While in fourth standard, he could solve the most difficult problems of Trigonometry. He obtained Euler’s Theorems and proved them. He followed Carr’s Synopsis of pure Mathematics. He solved all the problems without any other book to aid him. To him, each solution was a triumph that encouraged him to a fresh endeavor.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 11 and answer them.


Q.1 He was of a………… from his childhood.

(a) quiet temprament

(b) angry temprament

(c) quiet and dreamy temperament

(d) none of these

Q.2 What did Ramanujan do in the second class?

(a) He obtained Euler’s Theorems

(b) He followed Carr’s synopsis

(c) He roused the subject of the “Highest Truth

(d) None of these

Q.3 What was the nature of Ramanujan with his classmates and seniors?

Q.4 How did Ramanujan show his talent in Third Standard?

Q.5 What was the attitude of Ramanujan towards the mathematical problems?

Q.6 Write the word from the passage which is opposite to:- Lower

Q.7 Write the word from the passage which means:- help


  1. Answer: (c) quiet and dreamy temperament
  2. Answer: (c) He roused the subject of the “Highest Truth”
  3. Answer: The nature of Ramanujan with his classmates and seniors was not worrying about difficult calculations.
  4. Answer: When he moved into the third standard, he asked for problems in Mathematics of a higher nature.
  5. Answer: Ramanujan approached mathematical problems with an attitude of triumph, using each solution as encouragement for a fresh endeavor.
  6. Answer: Opposite to “Lower”: higher
  7. Answer: Word meaning “help”: aid

Unseen Passage For Class 11 – Passage 2

Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 11 carefully and answer the questions given below:-

Half Yearly Exam 2024 – Vaishali

The culture of Rajasthan is very different and unique. The unique mixture of diverse topography. History and curious lifestyle is what gives Rajasthani culture its rich heritage. The rich culture in Rajasthan is visible in every aspect of the state. The colorful dresses, the heavy jewelry, The palatial mansions and Havelis, and the diverse and joyous festivals and fairs, all are symbols of the rich and unique culture of Rajasthan

The dull and harish living condition of people in Rajasthan is made a bit colorful and lively by the multitude of fairs and festivals that are celebrated there. The only way people here enjoy the simple pleasures of life is by celebrating every occasion and event on a grand scale. Any festival big or small, is celebrated with much enthusiasm and joy. Rajasthan comes alive in a riot of colors and activities during fairs and important festivals, Monsoons are also the time to indulge in festivity and grand feasts, as rains are an occasion to celebrate in Rajasthan.

The most commonly spoken language in Rajasthan is Hindi. The people of Rajasthan speak in Rajasthani and Marwari. Hindi is the official language of the state. The people over here are very religious and follow all rituals and traditions piously. Hinduism is the dominant religion here and other religions are Islam, Jainism, Sikhism, and Christianity. The architecture of the state is also a very evident aspect of the culture of Rajasthan. The magnificent mansions and havelis speak volumes about the royal historical grandeur of the place. The forts and palaces are living testimonies of the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan.

Rajasthan is famous for its exquisite embroidery, it is done by hand and no machines are involved.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 11 and answer them.


  1. Which one is an occasion to celebrate in Rajasthan?

(a) Dance

(b) fairs

(c) rains

(d) None of there

  1. In Rajasthan commonly spoken language is.

(a) Sanskrit

(b) Marwari

(c) Punjabi

(d) Hindi

  1. The people of Rajasthan enjoy it.

(a) each occasion

(b) each tradition

(c) every occasion and event

(d) None of these


  1. What are the symbols of the unique culture of Rajasthan?
  2. Why is the Rajasthani embroidery famous?
  3. Write the word from the passage which is opposite to:- ordinary
  4. Write the word from the passage that means:- custom


  1. Answer: (c) rains
  2. Answer: (d) Hindi
  3. Answer: (c) every occasion and event
  4. Answer: Symbols of the unique culture of Rajasthan are Colourful dresses, Heavy jewelry, Palatial mansions and Havelis, Diverse and joyous festivals and fairs
  5. Answer: Rajasthani embroidery is famous because it is entirely done by hand, without the involvement of machines.
  6. Answer: Opposite to “ordinary”: exquisite
  7. Answer: Word meaning “custom”: tradition

Unseen Passage For Class 11 – Passage 3

Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 11 carefully and answer the questions given below:-

Half Yearly Exam 2024 – Vaishali

India is a great country with a rich heritage where since Vedic times, doing one’s duty has been preached and practiced. In the Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishna stresses the performance of duty in the Karma Yoga. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his commentary on the Geeta explains: “We must act but not to expect reward thereof. Expectation of fruit causes bondage. Action should, therefore, be performed without seeking the fruit, but it should not be forsaken. The former leads to salvation and the latter to sin, i.e., action must be performed as a duty without attachment.”

This philosophy of the Karma Yoga was pursued further when Niti Shastras were written. In Kautilya’s Arthshastra, non-performance of duties was made punishable under law. Kautilya championed the cause of civilized society and especially laid stress on the concept of neighborhood. For instance, one of the duties for which he made laws was: “No one shall interfere in the affairs of a neighbor, without due cause. However, everyone must run to the help of a neighbor in distress.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 11 and answer them.


Q.1 How should action be performed?

(A) Fruit should be sought.

(B) Fruit should be forsaken

(C) Fruit should not be sought

(D) None of these

Q.2 What leads us to our salvation?

(A) Expectation

(B) Bandage

(C) Fruit

(D) Action


Q.3 What was punishable under the law in Arthashastra?

(A) Performance of duties

B) Non-performance of duties

(C) Expectation of reward

(D) Salvation


Q.4 Which word in the passage is the synonym of ‘redemption”:

(A) Bondage

(B) Preached

(C) Forsaken

(D) Salvation


Q.5 How can you say that India is great?

Q.6 Who had advocated the performance of duty?

Q.7 What is “Arthashastra’?

Q.8 Which human tendency of the citizens does the author criticize?

Q.9 How does Bhagwat Gita explain Karma?

Q.10 Find the antonym word in the passage of ‘Liberty’.


Answer: 1 -(C) Fruit should not be sought

Answer: 2 -(D) Action

Answer: 3 -(B) Non-performance of duties

Answer: 4 -(D) Salvation

Answer: 5 -.India is great because it has emphasized on duties since Vedic Times, Lord Krishna has talked about in Bhagwat Geeta, along with this, the famous Gangadhar Tilak has also told the glory of karma.

Answer: 6 -Lord Krishna in the Bhagwat Geeta advocated the performance of duty and Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his commentary on the Geeta.

Answer: 7 -“Arthashastra” is a book written by Kautilya on statecraft, economics, and military strategy.

Answer: 8 -The author criticizes the tendency to expect rewards for actions, emphasizing the need to perform duties without attachment to the fruits.

Answer: 9 -Bhagwat Gita emphasizes the performance of duty without seeking the fruit or reward thereof. It stresses acting without attachment to the outcomes.

Answer: 10- bondage

Unseen Passage For Class 11 – Passage 4

Instructions: Read the following unseen passage for class 11 carefully and answer the questions given below:-

Half Yearly Exam 2023 – Vaishali

Thus we all have a role in making India great. Our country can soon emerge as a major developed country provided we all vow to ourselves to do the jobs. We are doing and using all our energies and keeping the nation’s interests in mind. Don’t think it will be done by a single person’s effort, we all have to work together.

If you are a politician, you can rise above your own and party’s interests. You should frame policies and laws that are conducive to development. If you are a clerk in a government department can work more efficiently in clearing a new project. If you become an instrument in creating a feeling that the Government works speedily and justly. You have created the necessary conditions for a developed country.

If you are a factory worker, you can work to increase your productivity a little more and give attention to quality. If you are a contractor, make it a point to spend on your own to improve some part of your town. If you are a teacher, constantly upgrade your knowledge and skills to enthuse the children to think big. In short, every professional can take part at his level to make India develop.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 11 and answer them.


Q.1 How can India emerge as a major developed country?

Q.2 How can a politician contribute?

Q.3 What should be the duty of a clerk?

Q.4 What can a teacher do?

Q.5 Can development be possible with a single effort?

Q.6 What can be done by a contractor for the development of our country?

Q.7 Write one word from the passage for the following.

(a) One who is trained in any occupation.

(b) Ability to produce something.


Ans.1 India can emerge as a major developed country if everyone vows to contribute by doing their jobs efficiently, using their energies, and keeping the nation’s interests in mind while working together.

Answer: 2. A politician can contribute by rising above personal and party interests, framing policies conducive to development, and enacting laws that support progress.

Answer: . A clerk must work efficiently in clearing new projects and become an instrument in creating a perception that the government works speedily and justly.

Answer: 4. A teacher can contribute by constantly upgrading their knowledge and skills to inspire children to think big.

Answer: 5. No, development cannot be possible with a single person’s effort; everyone has to work together.

Answer: 6. A contractor can contribute to the country’s development by spending on improvements in their town.

Answer: 7. (a) Professional (b) Productivity

Unseen Passage For Class 11 – Passage 5

In the vast realm of literature, poetry stands as a unique and profound form of expression. It transcends the boundaries of time and culture, offering a glimpse into the human experience in its rawest form. Poetry, with its rhythmic cadence and carefully chosen words, has the power to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and create lasting impressions on the reader’s mind.

One of the hallmarks of poetry is its ability to capture the essence of a moment or emotion in a few lines. Poets use metaphor, simile, and symbolism to convey complex ideas and feelings, inviting readers to explore the depths of their own emotions. Through carefully crafted language, poets paint vivid images that resonate with the reader, allowing them to connect with the universal aspects of the human condition.

Moreover, poetry often serves as a reflection of society, mirroring the values, struggles, and aspirations of a particular era. Poets become the voice of the people, expressing the collective consciousness of society through their verses. From the Romantic poets who celebrated nature’s beauty to the Beat Generation poets who rebelled against societal norms, each period in history has produced its own unique poetic voice.

The study of poetry not only enriches our understanding of language but also provides a window into the cultural and historical context of different periods. It challenges readers to delve into the nuances of language, dissecting the layers of meaning embedded in each line. As readers explore the works of diverse poets, they gain insights into the diverse perspectives that shape the human experience.



What is one of the unique characteristics of poetry mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Poetry transcends the boundaries of time and culture, offering a glimpse into the human experience in its rawest form.

How does poetry capture complex ideas and feelings, according to the passage?

Answer: Poets use metaphor, simile, and symbolism to convey complex ideas and feelings.

What role does poetry play in reflecting society, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Poetry often serves as a reflection of society, mirroring the values, struggles, and aspirations of a particular era. Poets become the voice of the people, expressing the collective consciousness of society through their verses.

What is the significance of studying poetry, according to the passage?

Answer: The study of poetry enriches our understanding of language, provides a window into the cultural and historical context of different periods, and challenges readers to explore the nuances of language and meaning.

How do poets use language to connect readers with the universal aspects of the human condition?

Answer: Poets use carefully crafted language to paint vivid images that resonate with the reader, allowing them to connect with the universal aspects of the human condition.

Unseen Passage For Class 11 – Passage 6

The advent of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and conduct our daily lives. In the 21st century, the internet plays a central role in shaping our interactions and accessing information. Social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools, enabling individuals to share ideas, connect with others globally, and participate in online communities.

While the internet has brought about unprecedented connectivity, it also raises concerns about privacy and security. The vast amount of personal information shared on social media platforms has led to debates about data protection and the potential misuse of user data. It becomes essential for users to be mindful of their online presence and adopt measures to safeguard their privacy.

Additionally, the digital age has transformed traditional educational methods. Online learning platforms provide access to a wealth of information, allowing individuals to pursue education from anywhere in the world. However, this shift to virtual learning comes with challenges, such as the need for digital literacy and the digital divide that may limit access for certain socio-economic groups.

Moreover, technology has reshaped the job market, creating new opportunities while rendering some traditional jobs obsolete. Automation and artificial intelligence have become integral parts of various industries, requiring individuals to adapt and acquire new skills. The emphasis on technological proficiency is evident across sectors, making it crucial for individuals to stay updated with the latest developments in their respective fields.

In conclusion, while technology has undeniably transformed our world, it is essential to navigate its impact responsibly. Balancing the benefits of connectivity, information access, and educational opportunities with concerns about privacy, security, and the evolving job market is key to harnessing the positive potential of technology.



What role do social media platforms play in the 21st century, according to the passage?

Answer: Social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools, enabling individuals to share ideas, connect with others globally, and participate in online communities.

What concerns are raised about the internet and social media, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: The passage mentions concerns about privacy and security, particularly regarding the vast amount of personal information shared on social media platforms, leading to debates about data protection and potential misuse of user data.

What challenges are associated with the shift to virtual learning, according to the passage?

Answer: Challenges associated with the shift to virtual learning include the need for digital literacy and the digital divide that may limit access for certain socio-economic groups.

How has technology impacted the job market, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Technology has reshaped the job market by creating new opportunities and rendering some traditional jobs obsolete. Automation and artificial intelligence have become integral parts of various industries, requiring individuals to adapt and acquire new skills.

What is the key to harnessing the positive potential of technology, according to the conclusion?

Answer: The key to harnessing the positive potential of technology is to navigate its impact responsibly, balancing the benefits of connectivity, information access, and educational opportunities with concerns about privacy, security, and the evolving job market.

Unseen Passage For Class 11 – Passage 7

Climate change, a pressing global issue, poses significant challenges to the world’s ecosystems and human societies. The rise in greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, has led to an increase in global temperatures, resulting in shifts in weather patterns, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe extreme weather events.

One of the major impacts of climate change is evident in the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers. This phenomenon contributes to rising sea levels, threatening coastal areas and low-lying islands. The implications for biodiversity are profound, as changes in temperature and precipitation patterns disrupt ecosystems, affecting plant and animal species.

Moreover, climate change exacerbates existing socioeconomic disparities. Vulnerable communities, often located in regions prone to extreme weather events, bear the brunt of climate-related disasters. These communities face challenges in adapting to the changing climate due to limited resources and inadequate infrastructure.

Addressing climate change requires concerted global efforts. International agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to mitigate the impact of climate change by setting targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the effectiveness of these measures depends on the commitment and collaboration of nations, as well as the implementation of sustainable practices at individual and community levels.

Individual actions, such as reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainable lifestyles, play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. Educating communities about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices is essential for building a collective awareness and commitment to safeguarding the planet for future generations.



What is identified as a major cause of climate change in the passage?

Answer: The rise in greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, is identified as a major cause of climate change.

How does climate change impact biodiversity, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns due to climate change disrupt ecosystems, affecting plant and animal species and thus impacting biodiversity.

Who is most affected by climate-related disasters, according to the passage?

Answer: Vulnerable communities, often located in regions prone to extreme weather events, are most affected by climate-related disasters.

What do international agreements like the Paris Agreement aim to achieve?

Answer: International agreements like the Paris Agreement aim to mitigate the impact of climate change by setting targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

What role do individual actions play in the fight against climate change, as mentioned in the passage?

Answer: Individual actions, such as reducing carbon footprints and promoting sustainable lifestyles, play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. Educating communities about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices is also emphasized.

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