Comprehension for Class 6 With Questions and Answers

Hello friends, today we are here to share a massive collection of comprehension for class 6, you will get all the questions and answers with a summary and discussion at the end. As 6th-class students, we all know that reading comprehension is the key part of learning English. So let us directly dive into the article where you will get the best reading comprehension for class 6 with questions and answers with pdf for free download.

Comprehension for Class 6 With Questions and Answers
Comprehension for Class 6 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension for Class 6 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension Passage: The Great Ocean Adventure

Once upon a time, in a small coastal town, lived a curious young boy named Alex. He always dreamt of exploring the mysteries of the vast ocean that lay just beyond his doorstep. One sunny morning, he decided to embark on a great ocean adventure.

Armed with a small boat and a map, Alex rowed away from the shore. The sea breeze tousled his hair as he sailed towards the horizon. The sparkling blue water was filled with wonders – playful dolphins leaping in the distance, colorful fish swimming beneath the boat, and seagulls soaring above.

As Alex sailed farther, he noticed a peculiar island on his map, marked with an ‘X’. Excitement bubbled within him as he navigated towards the mysterious island. Upon reaching, he discovered a hidden cave entrance. With curiosity overpowering any fear, he entered the dark cavern.

Inside, the cave revealed a magical world of glowing crystals and ancient drawings on the walls. Alex was amazed by the secrets hidden beneath the surface of the ocean. As he explored further, he stumbled upon a treasure chest, filled with gold coins and precious gems.

Overwhelmed with joy, Alex realized that the true treasure was not just the gold, but the knowledge and adventure he gained. With his boat loaded with newfound treasures, he sailed back to his coastal town, eager to share his incredible ocean adventure with friends and family.


  1. Who is the main character in the passage?
  2. What did Alex dream of exploring?
  3. What did he use for his ocean adventure?
  4. Describe what Alex saw in the ocean as he sailed.
  5. What did the map show on the peculiar island?
  6. What did Alex find inside the hidden cave?
  7. What was the true treasure for Alex?
  8. How did Alex feel when he discovered the treasure chest?
  9. What did Alex bring back to his coastal town?


  1. The main character in the passage is Alex.
  2. Alex dreamt of exploring the mysteries of the vast ocean.
  3. Alex used a small boat and a map for his ocean adventure.
  4. As Alex sailed, he saw playful dolphins, colorful fish, and seagulls.
  5. The map showed an ‘X’ on the peculiar island.
  6. Inside the hidden cave, Alex found a magical world of glowing crystals and ancient drawings on the walls.
  7. The true treasure for Alex was not just the gold but the knowledge and adventure he gained.
  8. Alex felt overwhelmed with joy when he discovered the treasure chest.
  9. Alex brought back his boat loaded with newfound treasures to his coastal town.

Reading Comprehension for Class 6

Comprehension Passage: The Enchanted Forest

In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, there lived a young girl named Lily. This mystical forest was known for its talking animals, sparkling fireflies, and ancient trees that whispered secrets to those who listened.

One day, Lily decided to explore the depths of the Enchanted Forest. As she walked deeper, she came across a wise old owl perched on a branch. The owl spoke in a hushed tone, telling Lily about the magical well hidden within the forest. Legend had it that anyone who drank from the well would gain the ability to understand the language of animals.

Excitement filled Lily’s heart as she followed the owl’s directions. After a journey through sparkling streams and moss-covered paths, she arrived at the magical well. With a sense of anticipation, Lily took a sip of the enchanted water.

Suddenly, the world around her transformed. Birds chirped, rabbits chattered, and even the trees shared their stories. Lily was overjoyed to be a part of this magical conversation with nature.

As she explored further, Lily made friends with a wise old tortoise, danced with butterflies, and even helped a lost baby deer find its way back to its family. The Enchanted Forest became a place of joy and harmony for Lily, where every creature shared a special connection.


  1. Who is the main character in the passage?
  2. Where does Lily live?
  3. What did the owl tell Lily about?
  4. What was the legend associated with the magical well?
  5. How did Lily feel as she approached the magical well?
  6. What changed for Lily after drinking from the well?
  7. Describe Lily’s interactions in the Enchanted Forest after drinking from the well.
  8. What kind of place did the Enchanted Forest become for Lily?


  1. The main character in the passage is Lily.
  2. Lily lives in the heart of the Enchanted Forest.
  3. The owl told Lily about the magical well hidden within the forest.
  4. The legend associated with the magical well was that anyone who drank from it would gain the ability to understand the language of animals.
  5. Lily felt excitement as she approached the magical well.
  6. After drinking from the well, the world around Lily transformed, and she gained the ability to understand the language of animals.
  7. Lily made friends with a wise old tortoise, danced with butterflies, and helped a lost baby deer find its way back to its family.
  8. The Enchanted Forest became a place of joy and harmony for Lily, where every creature shared a special connection.

Reading Comprehension Passages for Class 6

Comprehension Passage: The Solar System Adventure

Meet Maya, an adventurous sixth-grader with a passion for space. Maya’s fascination with the universe led her to embark on a solar system adventure. Armed with a telescope and a notebook, she spent nights gazing at the stars from her backyard.

One evening, as Maya observed the moon, she noticed a mysterious object moving slowly across the sky. Intrigued, she decided to investigate. Maya discovered that the object was a comet, and she eagerly recorded its details in her notebook.

Maya’s curiosity didn’t stop there. She researched the solar system, learning about planets, their orbits, and the sun. With newfound knowledge, Maya organized a stargazing night for her classmates. They marveled at the rings of Saturn, the red glow of Mars, and the beauty of the Milky Way.

As Maya continued her solar system adventure, she became determined to share her passion with others. She started a space club at school, where students explored the wonders of the universe together. Maya’s enthusiasm ignited a love for astronomy among her peers, and the space club became a hub for young stargazers.

Maya’s solar system adventure not only fulfilled her passion for space but also inspired others to look up and dream about the vast, unknown cosmos.


  1. Who is the main character in the passage?
  2. What was Maya’s passion?
  3. What did Maya use for her solar system adventure?
  4. What did Maya notice one evening while observing the moon?
  5. What did Maya learn about the mysterious object moving across the sky?
  6. How did Maya share her passion with her classmates?
  7. What did Maya start at school to share her enthusiasm for space?
  8. What impact did Maya’s solar system adventure have on her peers?


  1. The main character in the passage is Maya.
  2. Maya’s passion was for space and the universe.
  3. Maya used a telescope and a notebook for her solar system adventure.
  4. Maya noticed a mysterious object moving slowly across the sky while observing the moon.
  5. Maya learned that the mysterious object was a comet.
  6. Maya organized a stargazing night for her classmates to share her passion.
  7. Maya started a space club at school to share her enthusiasm for space.
  8. Maya’s solar system adventure inspired her peers, and the space club became a hub for young stargazers, igniting a love for astronomy among students.

Reading Comprehension for Grade 6

Comprehension Passage: The Magical Garden

In a quiet town, there was a magical garden hidden behind an old stone wall. Nobody knew about it until one day, Emma, a curious girl, stumbled upon it while exploring. The moment Emma stepped through the entrance, the ordinary world transformed into a realm of enchantment.

The garden was filled with vibrant flowers of every color imaginable. Talking birds perched on branches, and butterflies danced in the air, leaving trails of glitter behind them. In the center of the garden, there stood a mystical fountain that granted wishes to those who approached it with a pure heart.

Emma, intrigued by the magical aura, made a wish for the garden to be a place of joy for everyone. To her amazement, the garden responded. The flowers sparkled brighter, the birds sang sweeter tunes, and the butterflies formed intricate patterns in the sky.

Word spread about the magical garden, and soon, the once-hidden haven became a gathering place for the townsfolk. Families picnicked under the shade of the enchanted trees, and children laughed while chasing the glowing fireflies that appeared at dusk.

As seasons changed, so did the garden. In winter, it turned into a snowy wonderland, and in spring, it bloomed with a riot of colors. The magical garden had not only brought joy to Emma but had become a source of happiness for the entire town.


  1. Who discovered the magical garden?
  2. Describe the transformation that occurred when Emma entered the garden.
  3. What was in the center of the magical garden?
  4. What did Emma wish for at the mystical fountain?
  5. How did the garden respond to Emma’s wish?
  6. How did the magical garden become known to the townsfolk?
  7. What activities did families engage in at the magical garden?
  8. How did the garden change with the seasons?


  1. Emma discovered the magical garden.
  2. When Emma entered the garden, the ordinary world transformed into a realm of enchantment filled with vibrant flowers, talking birds, and dancing butterflies.
  3. In the center of the magical garden, there stood a mystical fountain.
  4. Emma wished for the garden to be a place of joy for everyone.
  5. The garden responded to Emma’s wish by making the flowers sparkle brighter, the birds sing sweeter tunes, and the butterflies form intricate patterns in the sky.
  6. Word spread about the magical garden, and soon, it became a gathering place for the townsfolk.
  7. Families engaged in activities like picnicking under the shade of enchanted trees and children chasing glowing fireflies that appeared at dusk.
  8. The magical garden changed with the seasons – turning into a snowy wonderland in winter and blooming with a riot of colors in spring.

Comprehension Passage: The Secret Library

In a quaint village, nestled between rolling hills, there existed a secret library known only to a few. One day, Emily, an inquisitive girl with a love for books, stumbled upon the hidden entrance while exploring an ancient oak forest.

As she stepped inside, the library revealed itself as a magical haven of knowledge. Shelves stretched to the ceiling, holding books of all shapes and sizes. Dusty tomes whispered tales of faraway lands, and ancient scrolls contained wisdom from generations long gone.

The librarian, a wise old owl named Orion, greeted Emily warmly. He explained that the library could only be found by those with a genuine love for learning. Emily, eager to explore the treasures within, spent hours reading about mythical creatures, historical adventures, and scientific wonders.

One day, as she delved into an old manuscript, Emily discovered a hidden chamber within the library. Inside, there were books that could transport readers to different times and places. Excitement bubbled within her as she chose a book that promised an adventure in ancient Egypt.

To her amazement, Emily found herself standing in the bustling markets of ancient Alexandria. She experienced the sights, sounds, and even the scents of a bygone era. As she returned to the secret library, she couldn’t wait to share her incredible journey with Orion and the other book enthusiasts who frequented the hidden haven.

The secret library, with its mystical books and wise librarian, became a place where the love for learning opened doors to endless adventures.


  1. Where was the secret library located?
  2. How did Emily discover the secret library?
  3. Describe the appearance of the secret library.
  4. Who greeted Emily in the library, and what was his name?
  5. Why could the library only be found by certain people?
  6. What did Emily spend hours doing in the library?
  7. What did Emily discover within the hidden chamber of the library?
  8. How did Emily feel about her adventure in ancient Egypt?
  9. What did the secret library become for book enthusiasts?


  1. The secret library was located in a quaint village, nestled between rolling hills.
  2. Emily discovered the secret library while exploring an ancient oak forest.
  3. The secret library had shelves stretching to the ceiling, holding books of all shapes and sizes.
  4. The librarian who greeted Emily was a wise old owl named Orion.
  5. The library could only be found by those with a genuine love for learning.
  6. Emily spent hours reading about mythical creatures, historical adventures, and scientific wonders in the library.
  7. Within the hidden chamber of the library, Emily discovered books that could transport readers to different times and places.
  8. Emily felt amazed and excited about her adventure in ancient Egypt.
  9. The secret library became a place where the love for learning opened doors to endless adventures for book enthusiasts.

Comprehension Passage: The Magical Paintbrush

In a quiet town lived a young artist named Oliver. One day, while exploring an old attic, he discovered a dusty paintbrush tucked away in a forgotten corner. Little did he know that this paintbrush was no ordinary one; it had magical properties.

As Oliver dipped the brush into vibrant colors, he found that whatever he painted came to life. A stroke of blue created a fluttering butterfly, while a swirl of green formed a miniature forest. Excitement filled Oliver’s heart as he realized the incredible power the paintbrush held.

Word of Oliver’s magical paintbrush spread, attracting people from neighboring towns. Everyone was eager to witness the enchanting creations that emerged from his strokes. Oliver, with a generous spirit, invited children to suggest ideas, bringing their imaginative worlds to life.

One day, as Oliver painted a radiant sunset, a mischievous thought crossed his mind. He decided to paint a door in mid-air. To his surprise, the door swung open, revealing a magical realm beyond. Oliver, adventurous at heart, stepped through the doorway, finding himself in a world filled with floating islands and talking animals.

The magical paintbrush had not only transformed Oliver’s art but had opened doors to realms beyond imagination. Oliver continued to share his artistic wonders with the world, turning ordinary days into extraordinary adventures.


  1. Who discovered the magical paintbrush?
  2. What special property did the paintbrush have?
  3. How did Oliver feel when he realized the power of the paintbrush?
  4. Why did people from neighboring towns come to see Oliver’s paintings?
  5. What did Oliver do with the magical paintbrush to involve others?
  6. Describe the magical realm Oliver discovered through the painted door.
  7. How did the magical paintbrush transform Oliver’s ordinary days?


  1. Oliver discovered the magical paintbrush.
  2. The paintbrush had the magical property that whatever Oliver painted with it came to life.
  3. Oliver felt excited when he realized the power of the paintbrush.
  4. People from neighboring towns came to see Oliver’s paintings because of the enchanting creations that emerged from his strokes.
  5. Oliver invited children to suggest ideas, involving them in bringing their imaginative worlds to life.
  6. The magical realm beyond the painted door was filled with floating islands and talking animals.
  7. The magical paintbrush transformed Oliver’s ordinary days by opening doors to realms beyond imagination, turning them into extraordinary adventures.

Comprehension Passage: The Lost Key

In a bustling city, there was a mysterious old house that had been locked for decades. Legend had it that the key to the house’s entrance was lost long ago. One day, a young girl named Mia found an old map that seemed to lead to the hidden key.

With determination in her heart, Mia followed the map’s twists and turns. It took her through narrow alleys, across a creaky bridge, and into a forgotten garden filled with overgrown vines. Finally, beneath an ancient oak tree, Mia discovered a hidden compartment containing the long-lost key.

As Mia approached the old house, she felt a sense of anticipation. The rusty lock clicked open, revealing a world frozen in time. Dust-covered furniture, cobweb-laden chandeliers, and faded paintings adorned the interior.

Curiosity guiding her, Mia explored room after room, uncovering the stories of the people who once lived there. She found journals with tales of joy and sorrow, and a faded photograph album that captured the smiles of a bygone era.

Word of Mia’s discovery spread, and the city came together to restore the old house. The community transformed it into a museum, preserving the history within its walls for generations to come. Mia, with a satisfied smile, had not only found the lost key but had unlocked the doors to the past.


  1. What was unique about the mysterious old house in the bustling city?
  2. How did Mia come across the map that led to the lost key?
  3. Describe Mia’s journey to find the key.
  4. What did Mia discover beneath the ancient oak tree?
  5. How did Mia feel as she approached the old house with the key?
  6. What did Mia find inside the old house?
  7. How did the city react to Mia’s discovery?
  8. What transformation did the community bring to the old house?
  9. What did Mia ultimately achieve with the lost key?


  1. The mysterious old house in the bustling city had been locked for decades, and the key to its entrance was lost long ago.
  2. Mia came across the map that led to the lost key.
  3. Mia’s journey to find the key took her through narrow alleys, across a creaky bridge, and into a forgotten garden filled with overgrown vines.
  4. Beneath the ancient oak tree, Mia discovered a hidden compartment containing the long-lost key.
  5. Mia felt a sense of anticipation as she approached the old house with the key.
  6. Inside the old house, Mia found dust-covered furniture, cobweb-laden chandeliers, faded paintings, journals with tales of joy and sorrow, and a faded photograph album capturing the smiles of a bygone era.
  7. The city came together to restore the old house when word of Mia’s discovery spread.
  8. The community transformed the old house into a museum, preserving the history within its walls for generations to come.
  9. Mia, with the lost key, not only unlocked the doors to the old house but also preserved its history by transforming it into a museum for the community.

Comprehension Passage: The Brave Explorer

In the heart of a dense jungle, there lived a young explorer named Max. Armed with a backpack filled with essentials, Max ventured into uncharted territories, eager to uncover the secrets hidden within the green labyrinth.

As Max delved deeper into the jungle, he encountered a variety of exotic plants and animals. Colorful parrots perched on tree branches, while butterflies with wings like vibrant paintings fluttered around. Max marveled at the wonders of nature, capturing the beauty with his camera.

One day, as Max followed a mysterious trail, he stumbled upon a hidden temple covered in vines. Intrigued, he entered the ancient structure, discovering a room filled with ancient artifacts and a dusty map that hinted at a treasure deep within the jungle.

Determined to uncover the treasure, Max embarked on a new journey, facing challenges like roaring rivers and dense thickets. Along the way, he made friends with a wise monkey who guided him through the jungle’s twists and turns.

After days of exploration, Max reached a hidden cave where the treasure lay. To his surprise, it wasn’t gold or jewels but a collection of ancient books containing forgotten stories of the jungle’s history. Max realized that the true treasure was the knowledge he gained about the jungle and its inhabitants.

Max returned to his camp, sharing the stories and knowledge with fellow explorers. The brave explorer not only discovered the hidden temple but also unearthed the rich history of the jungle, leaving a legacy for future adventurers.


  1. Who is the main character in the passage?
  2. What did Max carry in his backpack?
  3. Describe the wonders of nature that Max encountered in the jungle.
  4. What did Max find in the hidden temple?
  5. What challenged Max during his journey to uncover the treasure?
  6. How did Max overcome the challenges in the jungle?
  7. What was the treasure Max discovered in the hidden cave?
  8. What did Max realize about the true treasure?
  9. How did Max share his discoveries with others?


  1. The main character in the passage is Max.
  2. Max carried a backpack filled with essentials.
  3. Max encountered colorful parrots, butterflies with vibrant wings, and various exotic plants and animals in the jungle.
  4. In the hidden temple, Max found ancient artifacts and a dusty map hinting at a treasure deep within the jungle.
  5. Max faced challenges like roaring rivers and dense thickets during his journey to uncover the treasure.
  6. Max made friends with a wise monkey who guided him through the jungle’s twists and turns, helping him overcome the challenges.
  7. The treasure Max discovered in the hidden cave was a collection of ancient books containing forgotten stories of the jungle’s history.
  8. Max realized that the true treasure was the knowledge he gained about the jungle and its inhabitants.
  9. Max returned to his camp, sharing the stories and knowledge with fellow explorers, leaving a legacy for future adventurers.

Comprehension Passage: The Time Traveler’s Journal

In an old bookstore, hidden behind dusty volumes, Amelia found an ancient journal that claimed to belong to a time traveler. Intrigued, she opened its weathered pages to find tales of extraordinary adventures spanning different eras.

The journal’s author, known only as ‘A. Tempus,’ described encounters with historical figures, visits to ancient civilizations, and glimpses of the future. Amelia couldn’t resist the allure of the tales and decided to embark on her own time-traveling journey.

Equipped with the journal and a sense of wonder, Amelia followed the instructions within its pages. She found herself in ancient Egypt, witnessing the construction of the pyramids. The next entry transported her to a Renaissance-era art studio, where she conversed with a young Leonardo da Vinci.

As Amelia continued her journey, she encountered challenges, from evading dinosaurs in prehistoric times to navigating bustling futuristic cities. Each adventure was a lesson, and Amelia diligently documented her experiences in the journal.

One day, as she flipped through the pages, Amelia noticed a note left by ‘A. Tempus,’ inviting fellow explorers to share in the time-traveling experiences. Inspired, she founded the ‘Chrono Explorers Club,’ bringing together people who shared a passion for unraveling the mysteries of time.

The Time Traveler’s Journal became a cherished artifact, not just for Amelia but for the members of the Chrono Explorers Club, who continued the tradition of documenting their unique journeys through time.


  1. Where did Amelia find the ancient journal?
  2. Who was the author of the Time Traveler’s Journal?
  3. What did the journal contain?
  4. What inspired Amelia to embark on her own time-traveling journey?
  5. Where did Amelia find herself first during her time-traveling adventure?
  6. Describe some of the challenges Amelia encountered during her time-traveling journey.
  7. What did Amelia notice while flipping through the pages of the journal?
  8. What note did Amelia find in the journal, and what did it inspire her to do?
  9. What role did the Time Traveler’s Journal play in the formation of the ‘Chrono Explorers Club’?


  1. Amelia found the ancient journal in an old bookstore, hidden behind dusty volumes.
  2. The author of the Time Traveler’s Journal was known only as ‘A. Tempus.’
  3. The journal contained tales of extraordinary adventures spanning different eras, encounters with historical figures, visits to ancient civilizations, and glimpses of the future.
  4. Amelia was inspired to embark on her own time-traveling journey after reading the tales in the journal.
  5. During her time-traveling adventure, Amelia found herself in ancient Egypt, witnessing the construction of the pyramids.
  6. Amelia encountered challenges such as evading dinosaurs in prehistoric times and navigating bustling futuristic cities.
  7. While flipping through the pages of the journal, Amelia noticed a note left by ‘A. Tempus,’ inviting fellow explorers to share in the time-traveling experiences.
  8. The note inspired Amelia to found the ‘Chrono Explorers Club,’ bringing together people who shared a passion for unraveling the mysteries of time.
  9. The Time Traveler’s Journal played a crucial role in the formation of the ‘Chrono Explorers Club,’ as its tales and notes inspired members to document their unique journeys through time.

Comprehension Passage: The Magical Carnival

Once a year, a magical carnival appeared in the small town of Willowbrook. It was a spectacle of lights, laughter, and wonders that captivated the hearts of both young and old. Among the attractions was a mysterious tent known as the “Enchanted Mirror.”

Sarah, a curious girl with sparkling eyes, decided to enter the tent. Inside, she faced a full-length mirror that seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow. As Sarah gazed into the mirror, she found herself transported to a world of fantasy.

In this enchanted realm, talking animals danced, and floating islands adorned the sky. Sarah discovered that she could communicate with the animals, and together they embarked on magical adventures. Each day brought new surprises – from rainbow-colored lakes to singing flowers.

As the carnival came to an end, Sarah reluctantly stepped out of the Enchanted Mirror tent, bringing with her the memories of the magical realm. Determined to share the enchantment, Sarah organized a storytelling night for the townsfolk.

With vivid descriptions and animated gestures, Sarah narrated her adventures in the enchanted realm. The townspeople listened with awe, their imaginations soaring with every word. The magical carnival might have disappeared, but the enchantment lived on in the hearts of those who had experienced its wonders.


  1. What appeared once a year in the small town of Willowbrook?
  2. What was the “Enchanted Mirror” in the magical carnival?
  3. Who decided to enter the Enchanted Mirror tent?
  4. Describe what Sarah experienced inside the Enchanted Mirror.
  5. What surprises did Sarah encounter in the enchanted realm?
  6. What did Sarah do after the carnival came to an end?
  7. How did Sarah share her enchanting experiences with the townsfolk?
  8. What remained in the hearts of those who had experienced the magical carnival?


  1. Once a year, a magical carnival appeared in the small town of Willowbrook.
  2. The “Enchanted Mirror” was a mysterious tent in the magical carnival.
  3. Sarah, a curious girl with sparkling eyes, decided to enter the Enchanted Mirror tent.
  4. Inside the Enchanted Mirror, Sarah found herself transported to a world of fantasy where talking animals danced, and floating islands adorned the sky.
  5. Sarah encountered surprises like rainbow-colored lakes and singing flowers in the enchanted realm.
  6. After the carnival came to an end, Sarah organized a storytelling night for the townsfolk.
  7. Sarah narrated her adventures in the enchanted realm with vivid descriptions and animated gestures.
  8. The enchantment of the magical carnival lived on in the hearts of those who had experienced its wonders.

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Class 6 Comprehension: Sharpens advanced reading skills, presents intricate questions to stimulate critical analysis, nurturing a nuanced understanding and honing analytical thinking.

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