Comprehension for Class 8 With Questions and Answers

Hello friends, today we are here to share a massive collection of comprehension for class 8, you will get all the questions and answers with a summary and discussion at the end. As 8th-class students, we all know that reading comprehension is the key part of learning English. So let us directly dive into the article where you will get the best reading comprehension for class 8 with questions and answers with pdf for free download.

Comprehension for Class 8 With Questions and Answers
Comprehension for Class 8 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension for Class 8 With Questions and Answers

Comprehension Passage: Earthquakes and Seismic Activity

Earthquakes are natural disasters that can cause widespread destruction. They occur when there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic waves. The point on the Earth’s surface directly above the earthquake’s point of origin is called the epicenter.

One of the most well-known fault lines is the San Andreas Fault in California. This fault is a boundary between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. The movement along this fault has resulted in numerous earthquakes throughout history, some of them quite powerful.

While earthquakes cannot be predicted with absolute certainty, scientists use seismographs to monitor and record the Earth’s movements. This helps in understanding patterns and identifying areas at higher risk.


  1. What causes earthquakes?
  2. What is the epicenter of an earthquake?
  3. Give an example of a famous fault line and its location.
  4. How do scientists monitor and record earthquakes?
  5. Why can’t earthquakes be predicted with absolute certainty?


  1. Earthquakes are caused by a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust, creating seismic waves.
  2. The epicenter is the point on the Earth’s surface directly above the earthquake’s point of origin.
  3. An example of a famous fault line is the San Andreas Fault in California, which is a boundary between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates.
  4. Scientists use seismographs to monitor and record earthquakes by measuring the Earth’s movements.
  5. Earthquakes can’t be predicted with absolute certainty because the complex nature of the Earth’s crust makes it challenging to foresee when and where the energy release will occur. Scientists can only identify areas at higher risk based on historical data and ongoing monitoring.

Reading Comprehension for Class 8

Comprehension Passage: Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks was a pivotal figure in the American civil rights movement. Born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama, Parks grew up facing racial segregation and discrimination. However, she decided to take a stand against these injustices.

On December 1, 1955, Parks boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. As the bus filled up, the driver demanded that Parks and three other African American passengers give up their seats for white passengers. While the others complied, Parks refused to surrender her seat, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

The boycott, led by Martin Luther King Jr., lasted for 381 days. African Americans in Montgomery chose not to use the city’s public buses, causing a significant financial impact. The boycott resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional.

Rosa Parks became an icon of resistance against racial injustice. Her bravery and determination paved the way for the civil rights movement, challenging segregation and inspiring others to join the fight for equality.


  1. Who was Rosa Parks?
  2. When and where was Rosa Parks born?
  3. What event triggered the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
  4. Who led the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
  5. How long did the boycott last, and what was its impact?
  6. What did the Supreme Court rule as a result of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
  7. In what way did Rosa Parks contribute to the civil rights movement?


  1. Rosa Parks was a pivotal figure in the American civil rights movement.
  2. Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama.
  3. The demand for Rosa Parks and three other African American passengers to give up their seats for white passengers triggered the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  4. Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  5. The boycott lasted for 381 days, and it had a significant financial impact due to African Americans in Montgomery refusing to use the city’s public buses.
  6. The Supreme Court ruled that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional as a result of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  7. Rosa Parks contributed to the civil rights movement by resisting racial injustice, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and inspiring others to fight for equality.

Reading Comprehension Passages for Class 8

Comprehension Passage: The Absolutely Unique Ecosystem of Madagascar

Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world, is home to an absolutely unique ecosystem that sets it apart from any other place on Earth. Located off the southeastern coast of Africa, Madagascar’s isolation has allowed for the evolution of distinct flora and fauna.

One of the most notable features is the lemurs, a group of primates found only in Madagascar. With their distinctive appearance and behaviors, lemurs have adapted to various niches within the island’s diverse ecosystems. The chameleon species on the island are also unparalleled, showcasing a wide range of sizes, colors, and unique adaptations.

The island’s ecosystems include rainforests, dry deciduous forests, and spiny forests, each housing species found nowhere else. The high level of endemism in Madagascar makes it a biodiversity hotspot, drawing the attention of scientists and nature enthusiasts worldwide.

Despite its unique biodiversity, Madagascar faces challenges such as deforestation and habitat loss. Conservation efforts are crucial to preserving this absolutely unique ecosystem for future generations and maintaining the delicate balance that makes Madagascar a biological treasure.


  1. Where is Madagascar located, and what distinguishes its ecosystem?
  2. What is one of the most notable features of Madagascar’s unique fauna?
  3. How have lemurs adapted to Madagascar’s ecosystems?
  4. What makes the chameleon species in Madagascar stand out?
  5. What are the main types of ecosystems found in Madagascar?
  6. Why is Madagascar considered a biodiversity hotspot?
  7. What challenges does Madagascar’s unique ecosystem face, and why are conservation efforts important?


  1. Madagascar is located off the southeastern coast of Africa, and its isolation has allowed for the evolution of a distinct and absolutely unique ecosystem.
  2. One of the most notable features is the lemurs, a group of primates found only in Madagascar.
  3. Lemurs have adapted to various niches within Madagascar’s ecosystems, showcasing distinctive appearances and behaviors.
  4. The chameleon species in Madagascar stand out due to a wide range of sizes, colors, and unique adaptations.
  5. Madagascar’s ecosystems include rainforests, dry deciduous forests, and spiny forests.
  6. Madagascar is considered a biodiversity hotspot due to the high level of endemism, with many species found nowhere else on Earth.
  7. Madagascar’s unique ecosystem faces challenges such as deforestation and habitat loss, making conservation efforts crucial to preserving its biodiversity for future generations.

Reading Comprehension for Grade 8

Comprehension Passage: The Absolutely Unique Architecture of Antoni Gaudí

Antoni Gaudí, a Catalan architect, is renowned for his absolutely unique architectural style that has left an indelible mark on the cityscape of Barcelona, Spain. Born in 1852, Gaudí’s designs are characterized by their organic shapes, vibrant colors, and incorporation of natural elements.

One of his most famous works is the Sagrada Família, a basilica that stands as a masterpiece of modernist architecture. Gaudí’s vision for the Sagrada Família includes intricate facades adorned with sculptures, and a forest of columns inside that mimic the structure of trees. The building, which remains unfinished, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and continues to be a symbol of Barcelona.

Park Güell is another absolutely unique creation by Gaudí. Originally planned as a residential project, it transformed into a public park with colorful mosaics, whimsical sculptures, and organic architectural forms. The park offers a surreal experience, inviting visitors to explore the harmony between nature and art.

Gaudí’s architectural genius extended to private residences as well, such as Casa Batlló and Casa Milà, both known for their unconventional shapes and imaginative details.

Antoni Gaudí’s absolutely unique architectural style has made him a key figure in the Art Nouveau movement, and his creations continue to captivate and inspire people from around the world.


  1. Who is Antoni Gaudí, and what is he renowned for?
  2. Describe the characteristics of Gaudí’s architectural style.
  3. What is the Sagrada Família, and what makes it unique?
  4. How did Gaudí incorporate natural elements into his designs?
  5. What is Park Güell, and how does it reflect Gaudí’s style?
  6. Name two private residences designed by Gaudí and describe their unique features.
  7. Why is Antoni Gaudí considered a key figure in the Art Nouveau movement?


  1. Antoni Gaudí is a Catalan architect renowned for his absolutely unique architectural style.
  2. Gaudí’s architectural style is characterized by organic shapes, vibrant colors, and the incorporation of natural elements.
  3. The Sagrada Família is a basilica characterized by intricate facades, sculptures, and a forest of columns inside that mimic the structure of trees, making it unique.
  4. Gaudí incorporated natural elements into his designs through organic shapes and structures inspired by nature.
  5. Park Güell is a public park with colorful mosaics, whimsical sculptures, and organic architectural forms, reflecting Gaudí’s style and the harmony between nature and art.
  6. Two private residences designed by Gaudí are Casa Batlló and Casa Milà, known for their unconventional shapes and imaginative details.
  7. Antoni Gaudí is considered a key figure in the Art Nouveau movement due to his innovative and absolutely unique architectural designs that departed from traditional styles.

Comprehension Passage for Class 8 With Qna

Comprehension Passage: The Absolutely Unique Art of Bonsai Cultivation

Bonsai cultivation, originating in ancient China and refined in Japan, is an absolutely unique art form that captivates enthusiasts worldwide. The word “bonsai” itself means “planted in a container” in Japanese, and the practice involves growing miniature trees in containers, carefully shaping them to resemble their full-sized counterparts.

What makes bonsai absolutely unique is the meticulous attention to detail and the artistic vision required. Bonsai artists employ techniques such as pruning, wiring, and root reduction to create harmonious and balanced miniature landscapes. The goal is to evoke the essence of a full-sized tree while maintaining a compact size.

Bonsai trees can range from a few inches to a couple of feet tall, and they often mimic the characteristics of trees found in nature. Each bonsai tells a story, reflecting the artist’s creativity and vision. The art of bonsai requires patience, skill, and an appreciation for the symbiotic relationship between the artist and the tree.

Enthusiasts find solace and a sense of connection with nature through bonsai cultivation. The absolutely unique nature of this art form lies not only in the final result—a beautifully crafted miniature tree—but in the journey of nurturing and shaping a living work of art over time.


  1. What is bonsai cultivation, and where did it originate?
  2. What does the word “bonsai” mean in Japanese?
  3. What makes bonsai cultivation an absolutely unique art form?
  4. What techniques do bonsai artists use to shape miniature trees?
  5. How tall can bonsai trees range, and what do they often mimic?
  6. What does each bonsai tree reflect, and what is required for the art of bonsai?
  7. Why do enthusiasts find solace and a sense of connection through bonsai cultivation?


  1. Bonsai cultivation is the art of growing miniature trees in containers, originating in ancient China and refined in Japan.
  2. The word “bonsai” means “planted in a container” in Japanese.
  3. Bonsai cultivation is absolutely unique due to the meticulous attention to detail and artistic vision required in shaping miniature trees.
  4. Bonsai artists use techniques such as pruning, wiring, and root reduction to create harmonious and balanced miniature landscapes.
  5. Bonsai trees can range from a few inches to a couple of feet tall, often mimicking the characteristics of trees found in nature.
  6. Each bonsai tree reflects the artist’s creativity and vision, and the art of bonsai requires patience, skill, and an appreciation for the symbiotic relationship between the artist and the tree.
  7. Enthusiasts find solace and a sense of connection with nature through bonsai cultivation because of the absolutely unique journey of nurturing and shaping a living work of art over time.

Unique Comprehension for Class 8 With Qna

Comprehension Passage: The Absolutely Unique World of Bioluminescent Organisms

Bioluminescence, the ability of living organisms to produce light, opens a window into an absolutely unique and enchanting world found in various corners of our planet. From the depths of the ocean to the darkest forests, bioluminescent organisms captivate scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

One of the most fascinating examples of bioluminescence is found in certain species of jellyfish. These gelatinous creatures emit a soft, otherworldly glow as a result of chemical reactions within their bodies. In the deep sea, where sunlight doesn’t penetrate, bioluminescent organisms create a mesmerizing display, illuminating the darkness with their radiant hues.

Fireflies, found in various ecosystems around the world, are another remarkable example. The light produced by fireflies is a form of communication, used primarily in courtship rituals. The synchronized flashing of fireflies during summer evenings creates an absolutely unique natural light show.

Beyond marine and terrestrial environments, some fungi also exhibit bioluminescence. In the depths of dense forests, these fungi emit a subtle glow, adding an ethereal quality to the surroundings.

The absolutely unique world of bioluminescent organisms not only showcases the beauty of nature but also serves as a reminder of the diverse and remarkable ways life has adapted to its environment.


  1. What is bioluminescence, and where can it be found on Earth?
  2. Provide an example of a bioluminescent organism found in the deep sea.
  3. How do jellyfish create their bioluminescent glow?
  4. What is the primary purpose of the light produced by fireflies?
  5. Describe the natural light show created by fireflies.
  6. In addition to marine and terrestrial environments, where else can bioluminescent organisms be found?
  7. What does the world of bioluminescent organisms showcase, according to the passage?


  1. Bioluminescence is the ability of living organisms to produce light, and it can be found in various corners of the planet.
  2. An example of a bioluminescent organism found in the deep sea is certain species of jellyfish.
  3. Jellyfish create their bioluminescent glow as a result of chemical reactions within their bodies.
  4. The primary purpose of the light produced by fireflies is for communication, especially in courtship rituals.
  5. The synchronized flashing of fireflies during summer evenings creates an absolutely unique natural light show.
  6. In addition to marine and terrestrial environments, bioluminescent organisms can also be found in some fungi.
  7. The world of bioluminescent organisms showcases the beauty of nature and serves as a reminder of the diverse and remarkable ways life has adapted to its environment.

Comprehension for class 8 with MCQs

Comprehension Passage: The Solar System

The solar system is a vast and fascinating expanse that includes the sun, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. Our solar system is just one of billions in the Milky Way galaxy. The sun, a gigantic ball of burning gas, is at the center of our solar system. Orbiting around it are eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Each planet has unique characteristics. For example, Earth is the only known planet to support life. Mars, often referred to as the “Red Planet,” has a thin atmosphere and is known for its dusty surface. Jupiter, the largest planet, has a massive storm called the Great Red Spot.

Moons, also known as natural satellites, orbit many of the planets. Earth has one moon, while Jupiter has a whopping 79 moons! In addition to planets and moons, the solar system is filled with asteroids and comets. These rocky bodies can provide valuable insights into the early formation of our solar system.


1). What is at the center of our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Moon
c) Sun
d) Jupiter

2). How many planets are there in our solar system?
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 10

3). Which planet is often referred to as the “Red Planet”?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Jupiter

4). How many moons does Earth have?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

5). Which planet is the largest in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Saturn


  1. c) Sun
  2. c) 8
  3. b) Mars
  4. b) 1
  5. b) Jupiter

Comprehension for class 8 with Questions

Comprehension Passage: The Rainforest Adventure

Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, a group of young explorers embarked on an adventurous journey. The dense foliage, vibrant colors, and mysterious sounds surrounded them as they navigated through the unexplored territory.

As they delved deeper into the rainforest, they encountered a variety of unique flora and fauna. Colorful parrots soared above, their vibrant feathers standing out against the lush green canopy. Strange-looking insects crawled on the forest floor, showcasing nature’s diversity.

The explorers stumbled upon a crystal-clear river cutting through the rainforest. Giant butterflies fluttered around, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of exotic flowers. The team marveled at the breathtaking beauty of the untouched wilderness.

As they continued their expedition, the explorers faced challenges like crossing a rickety rope bridge and maneuvering through slippery mud. Along the way, they learned about the importance of preserving the rainforest and its role in maintaining the global ecosystem.


1). Where did the young explorers embark on their journey?
a) Desert
b) Rainforest
c) Mountains
d) Ocean

2). What type of birds did the explorers encounter in the rainforest?
a) Penguins
b) Parrots
c) Hawks
d) Owls

3). What did the explorers find as they ventured deeper into the rainforest?
a) Snow-capped mountains
b) Crystal-clear river
c) Desert dunes
d) Volcanic eruptions

4). What challenges did the explorers face during their expedition?
a) Climbing skyscrapers
b) Crossing rivers
c) Flying in hot air balloons
d) Driving fast cars

5). What lesson did the explorers learn during their journey?
a) The importance of city life
b) The need for more technology
c) The significance of preserving the rainforest
d) The benefits of staying indoors


  1. b) Rainforest
  2. b) Parrots
  3. b) Crystal-clear river
  4. b) Crossing rivers
  5. c) The significance of preserving the rainforest

Comprehension for class 8 with Answers

Comprehension Passage: The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was an enchanted forest that held secrets untold. The trees in this mystical woodland whispered ancient tales, and magical creatures called fairies danced in the moonlight.

A brave group of friends decided to explore the enchanted forest, drawn by the stories they heard from the villagers. As they entered the forest, the air became filled with a sweet fragrance, and the colors of the flowers seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

The friends encountered a talking owl who offered them guidance through the winding paths of the forest. Following the owl’s wise advice, they discovered a hidden waterfall with water that sparkled like diamonds. The friends couldn’t resist taking a sip, and they felt a surge of energy coursing through their veins.

As they ventured deeper, they stumbled upon a clearing where fairies were having a lively celebration. The fairies invited the friends to join in the dance, and together they created a magical spectacle that left the friends in awe.

Leaving the enchanted forest, the friends felt grateful for the mystical experience. The secrets of the forest remained guarded, but the memories of their adventure would last a lifetime.


1). Where did the group of friends decide to explore?
a) City
b) Enchanted forest
c) Beach
d) Desert

2). What did the trees in the enchanted forest do?
a) Whisper ancient tales
b) Sing songs
c) Remain silent
d) Dance in the moonlight

3). Who guided the friends through the forest?
a) Talking squirrel
b) Talking owl
c) Talking rabbit
d) Talking fox

4). What did the water in the hidden waterfall look like?
a) Like mud
b) Like diamonds
c) Like gold
d) Like crystals

5). What did the fairies invite the friends to do in the clearing?
a) Plant trees
b) Have a picnic
c) Join in the dance
d) Take a nap


  1. b) Enchanted forest
  2. a) Whisper ancient tales
  3. b) Talking owl
  4. b) Like diamonds
  5. c) Join in the dance

Comprehension for class 8 with answers pdf

Comprehension Passage: The Mystery of Atlantis

In the depths of the ocean, hidden from the eyes of the world, lies the legendary city of Atlantis. According to ancient tales, Atlantis was a magnificent civilization with advanced technology and unparalleled beauty. However, it mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind only speculation and fascination.

A group of archeologists set out on an expedition to uncover the secrets of Atlantis. Equipped with state-of-the-art submarines, they dived into the ocean’s depths, guided by ancient maps and cryptic writings.

As they descended, the ocean revealed its wonders — schools of colorful fish, coral reefs teeming with life, and underwater caves shrouded in darkness. The archeologists carefully explored each location, hoping to find a clue that would lead them to the fabled city.

Suddenly, they stumbled upon an enormous underwater structure covered in intricate carvings. Excitement filled the submarines as they realized they had discovered a part of Atlantis. The carvings told stories of a prosperous society, but the mystery remained: why did Atlantis vanish?

The archeologists continued their exploration, uncovering more fragments of the lost city. The discovery of advanced artifacts hinted at a civilization far ahead of its time. Yet, the ultimate fate of Atlantis remained one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in history.


1). Where is the legendary city of Atlantis said to be located?
a) Mountain
b) Ocean
c) Desert
d) Forest

2). What technology did the archeologists use for their expedition?
a) Horses
b) Submarines
c) Bicycles
d) Hot air balloons

3). What did the ocean reveal to the archeologists during their descent?
a) Deserts
b) Jungles
c) Underwater caves
d) Mountains

4). What did the carvings on the underwater structure reveal?
a) Recipes
b) Stories of a prosperous society
c) Shopping lists
d) Phone numbers

5). Why is the fate of Atlantis considered a mystery?
a) Because it was destroyed by a volcano
b) Because it vanished without a clear explanation
c) Because it was invaded by aliens
d) Because it never existed


  1. b) Ocean
  2. b) Submarines
  3. c) Underwater caves
  4. b) Stories of a prosperous society
  5. b) Because it vanished without a clear explanation

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Class 8 Comprehension: Advances reading expertise, incorporates challenging questions to cultivate critical thinking, promoting a nuanced understanding and refined analytical skills.

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